[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

Is your Homey running on the latest firmware?

Hi Adrian,
My Homey Pro 2023 is running on firmware 10.0.0-rc.110 (according to the updates, the latest)
The SwitchBot is running on Firmware v4.9

The newer version are in experimental so you need to enable the option to install them here Homey Developer Tools. Or wait until they are put in the main stream. I think the latest Experimental is 10.0.0-rc.116.

Hi Adrian,
Just today build your ESP32 solution (Had one unused laying in a drawer ESP32-Wroom-32)
It seems to work, and Broadcasting my details: f0:5f:13:05:61:3c

Call me stupid, but how do I connect this home-made HUB via Wifi to Homey Pro 2023/ your SwitchBot App?
Thanx for the help.

You just add Switchbot BLE devices to Homey. The hub will automatically connect to the app and provide the BLE data over WiFi.

Thanks for the quick responce.
Sadly when I try to add a Bot (BLE) it still does not find any bot’s.
Homey on same WiFi network as the ESP32.
Even moved away from the Homey to be sure it will not try to connect via BLE to the switchBot.
Updated Homey to R115 as you suggested: same result :frowning:

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If you look in the App Settings page at the Log tab do you see a message for the BLE hub detected?

You might need to restart the app just to be sure.

Tried and here’s the log.

also received an UDP request:
UDP Packet: , Data (len 24): Are you there SwitchBot?

Received: Are you there SwitchBot?

It seems that the HUB isn’t seeing the Switchbot too? (it does work from the original app on the phone though)

Nailed it.
I’ve opened the switchbot and pressed a little key within it. (a little green led flashed when I pressed the button).
Tried to operated it with the original App and it luckaly still worked.
Added again via your app: it worked. It found the Bot. :smiley:
So: just a buggy Switchbot then…

Thanks very much for the help :+1:

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Thanks for the App! The installation was very easy.

When i started the install my homey was at the 1st floor sending commands to my curtains on the GF. Very often I received an error when sending commands.

So i now moved my Homey just a few meters (2-3) away from the curtain, but i keep getting timeout messages and commands are not executed. Any ideas how to fix this?

I presume you are using the BLE option to connect?
What Homey do you have and what firmware version?

Yes BLE. I am using the new Homey 2023

That version number looks like the Homey app version.
The Homey firmware version will be something like 10.0.0-rc.somthing.
The HP2023 does have some issues with BLE but the latest test version is better than the release candidate.

Yes, sorry!

OK, so there are some fixes in the latest experimental rc’s

Homey Pro v10.0.0-rc.115 has been released to the beta channel

  • Fixes an issue where originator of Flows was not set correctly.


  • Fixes an issue that could result in a crash when Z-Wave Satellite mode could not start correctly.


  • Fixes an issue that caused mDNS hostnames to not resolve to their respective IP addresses.


  • Fixes an issue that could cause multiple backups to be created in one night.


  • Fixes an issue that could result in a failure when fetching a long list of Wi-Fi SSIDs.


  • Fixes an issue where discovery could not be performed.


  • Fixes an issue where images would not be loaded in push notifications.

You can update to the latest version by enabling Experimental updates in the developer page or wait until it is moved to the standard channel. No guarantee this will solve the problem though.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

do you have a chance to implement the new SwitchBot Smart Thermometer Hygrometer for indoor/outdoor usage directly via BLE to the hp2023?

It is already supported using the temperature and humidity device.

hmmm do you have a hint for me how to pair this device to the hp2023?

When adding it, select the Temperature and Humidity BLE device.
The main issue is that HP2023 is not very good with BLE and has a very short range.
My advice would be to get a Switchbot hub or install my code on an ESP32 module.

Ah, my bad. It seems the format of the data has changed as there are now more bytes in the data than before so it is failing a check. I will post an update ASAP.

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