[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

I had contact with switchbot about this, they will fix this and release this in the next update. That will be released around 15 juni. Seems to be a issue with the new software of switchbot

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Thats good news, did you use the switchbot hub in the past or just connect it to homey directly?
Iā€™m using the curtain (BLE) not the hub version (just hooked up a hub for testing)

I use 2 switchbot hub miniā€™s, 1 for my curtains on the bedroom. And 1 on the mainground for my lock.

I have a few curtains iā€™m using the Switchbot app for, but they are all within range of the Homey (and the esp32), so normally never use the hub version. Hope my issue gets resolved too with this new Switchbot update, but I get the feeling it could be separate issues.

Dont know but think this is a BLE bug to, but we will know this after 15 june

Yeah, itā€™s unfortunate we donā€™t know what is causing it, but I also have an issue with a new, out of the box, old firmware one, with the Homey app, so hope Adrian can see something in the log i;ve sent

How did you send the log as not got one yet?

Through Homey - Create diagnostics report, hope you got it, otherwise i have to unpack it again and connect everything to make a new one haha :pleading_face:

Ah, OK, unfortunately they go to the SwitchBot account so I donā€™t get notified. I will see if I can track it down.

I have been testing with my curtains via Homey Pro 2019 with 1. SwitchBot hub, 2. ESP32, 3. BLE and 4. HP23 BLE.

  1. Works very well (they seem to have improved the webhook feedback a lot).
  2. Works very well as usual.
  3. Fail. I managed to add the curtains but no luck controlling them and feed back is not working.
  4. Works as well as expected.

My HP19 is only about 15cm away from the curtains. My ESP 32 is about 1 meter away. My HP23 is in another room about 4 meters away with a cavity wall in between, so Iā€™m surprised it actually works.

So, could everyone with issues state:

  1. Homey firmware version.
  2. Connection method (BLE, Cloud, ESP32)

Homey 2023, firmware 10.0.rc 110, connection method BLE and ESP32, tested both).

My HP23 is on rc.114, so not sure if that makes a difference.

Based on the changelog (Homey Pro (Early 2023) Changelog | Homey) it shouldnā€™t make any difference but could be a Homey bug of course in the 110 version (latest stable). Will try to update it when I get home.

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I have an rc114 pro 2023 with a hub mini connection,
But I think the problem is with switchbot itself, because one of my 2 hubs no longer connects to my other hub. Which gives an api error to the hub from the curtains.

Can you control the curtains using the Switchbot mobile app when you are not in the house?

yes i can because i control the curtains now with the other hub mini on the first floor, but there is a delay in it.

I donā€™t know exactly where the problem lies with switchbot. but my problem was that my curtains no longer want to connect through the hub mini in the bedroom where the curtains are also hanging. between that hub and the curtains is 2.5 meters, so thatā€™s strange. but as I mentioned above they are working on it and June 15 an update was supposed to come out that fixes this problem

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Now running 114 too, and still same issue with BLE connection (new Switchbot while adding ā€œUnknown errorā€ and other just doesnā€™t work), HUB doesnā€™t give me the unknown error (but still doesnā€™t work, but that seems to be a Switchbot issue.

Currently installing the ā€œTestā€ version 1.1.30, to see if that makes any difference, Iā€™ll keep you posted on the results

UPDATE: Same results with the BLE, unknown error while trying to add a device and curtains not responding :pleading_face:

UPDATE 2: seem to have found the solution to at least the Unknown error, just did a full reset and restored a backup of Homey 2023, (since I could find the devices on my Homey 2019, clean install) and now it finds 2 new devices, including the one I already had installed on Homey (also in the backup). After reinstalling the new ones everything works fine again. No clue why this worked but glad it works again. :rofl: No need to use an old backup from before the problem started, mine was from 2 hours before i restored it and way later than the problem started.

NOTE: This solved the issue for the direct BLE connection of the curtain ONLY! No need to try this for the HUB connection issue!

Hope this helps others that have a similar issue with BLE and/or Unknown device error while trying to connect a new BLE device from Switchbot :+1:

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There is a new firmware update for the curtains, i just installed it and it works great again.

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Iā€™m a newbee with the Homey Pro 2023 and trying to connect a SwitchBot via bleutooth (I do not own a Hub). As you allready guessed: I have not been very successfull with that.

When I try to add a BLE SB Homey keeps telling me that no devices have been found. Allready tried the options of the app majer, including to reboot the Honey and put the SB right next to the Homey.

Has anyone been successful with adding a BLE SB? (And can help me with adding them)

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