[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

I think I found the problem, will do some more tests tomorrow. (The Arduino IDE gives an error for debugging atm.) I have 2 parent bots with both a child (left and right). If I control the parent everything works perfectly, it moves both sides (parent and child). But if you move a child the ESP32 breaks after the first command.

Since a couple of weeks my curtains have become very unreliable. I have 2 curtains directly on bluetooth (within 3 meters of Homey). They have worked reliable for quite some time, but since a couple of weeks only one of them will actually open or close. I have created several retries in my flows but Homey will just not send the action. Deleting and adding of the devices works fine. Controlling them with Switchbotā€™s own app also works without issues.
Any ideas?

Can you think if anything changed, like an update to the app or Homey?

Could you open the Configure App screen, select the Log tab, select Basic Information in the drop list, then operate the device that is not working. Then go back to the Log tab and click on Send Log.

Hi Adrian, thanks for your reply and help.
Nothing changed that I know of, I do have the app on auto-update so not really sure when that last updated.
I did send the log with the basic information.

The log is showing the app canā€™t find any service data in the BLE broadcast:
Error: No service found with UUID cba20d00224d11e69fb80002a5d5c51b

That normally means the device is on the edge of the maximum distance or there is some interference.

Thank you. Strange that this is such an issue now. Homey is very close. With the Switchbot iPhone app I can control the curtains from very far.
I will have to dive into it I guess. Starting with removing the devices and app and then start over to see if that does anything.

Just added the new Switchbot Hub 2 to my home. The temperature/humidity sensor can be added as the existing temperature/humidity sensor, nothing new/special required. Other sensors (at least the motion sensors) keep working when switched to the new hub.

Hi !
Iā€™m new to Homey and I was fighting for days with SwitchBot authentication. I was trying to connect to Wonderlabs API (the page to login for the HUB) and I was rejected everytime with wrong username/password. I was sure the issue were coming from them because it was on this API access page.

SwitchBot isnā€™t using SSO, accounts are differents on App and Website. I tried to link them, recreate using Google Account etc.
Then I gave up and reach the SwitchBot Support.

After some discussions, I discover their authentication is case sensitive in the credentialsā€¦
Which means sometimes mail adress can start with an Uppercase (especially if youā€™re using password tools as Dashlane).
Example : if adrian-rockall@ā€¦com didnā€™t work, try Adrian-rockall@
Anyway, itā€™s fixed now. Iā€™m writing down the details here with some keyword I looked for, just in case someone is stuck.

Thanks for this great app @Adrian_Rockall !

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are they people here who have issues with they curtains? they donā€™t react to homey commands. I switched it from hub mini, but no effect. also when I want to switch Back to my bedrooms hub it giveā€™s a connection failure.

PS: I know this is probably not a Homey related problem, but wanna know if there are more people who has this problem. (in the switchbot app, I think via BLE the curtains move perfectly. when Im not home the failure most of the time with finding connection)

( everything is on the newest firmware, I restarted the hub miniā€™s, my wifi. but with no results)

Under the cloud services for the curtains you can select which hub controls them. Have you selected the one thatā€™s nearest to the curtains?

Yes i know but thats wat the curtains wont do, he connects fine to the other hub mini (meterkast)

When i test the hub mini bedroom (slaapkamer) with its light turn on and of it reports very quickly in the switchbot app. So it seems its connected

I think you need to report it to SwitchBot via their app so they can verify the hub is working OK.

just done that, didnā€™t know that that was possible. thanks for the help :+1:

strange thing is that it also doesnā€™t work when it says it is connected to the other hub mini. (not working via homey at least)

If this has been already asked i apologize but i wanted to ask if the power outlets would be added the list of compatible devices, i think there plugs are a good value and have energy tracking


I will look into that, but as Iā€™m in the UK, they are not available to me for testing. So, I can add the support based on the API spec if you are happy to test it for?

no problem, i was wondering why i couldnā€™t find anything

Just let me know when your ready.

Running the test app. 2 things Iā€™ve noticed:

  1. My window/door sensors donā€™t update their motion sensors/brightness indicators in Homey. They do update in the switchbot app themselves. So I currently have a contact sensor who in the Switchbot app is not bright, but in the Homey app is bright.
  2. The light level of the hub 2 is in 20 levels. In Homey the unit is lux, which is not quite accurate. It still works thought, but might be something to take into account.
  1. I can see the issue. It seems the webhook is only posted when the contact position changes, so motion and bright will only be picked up then. I will add back polling for that device and contact SwitchBot to see if they will also fire the webhook when the other two states changes.

  2. Well spotted. I used the standard measure_luminance capability, but as you say that has lux for units. I will try to change the units text, but Iā€™m not if that works wit the standard capabilities.

Have exactly the same issue for a couple of days (probably a bit longer since I just came back from a 2 week trip), Switchbot app works, bluetooth through Homey doesnā€™t. @Adrian_Rockall issue seems to have started around the new update of the Switchbot app, could it be Switchbot changed something which causes issues with the Homey app?

Error log (after a restart of the Homey app):

  • 2023-06-08T20:36:44.351Z

  • BLE Polling Error: Operation already in progress
    Error: Operation already in progress
    at Remote Process
    at HomeyClient.emit (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/HomeyClient.js:44:23)
    at ManagerBLE.discover (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/manager/ble.js:78:40)
    at MyApp.onBLEPoll (/app/app.js:969:38)
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Homey.js:219:7)
    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17)
    at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)

  • 2023-06-08T20:36:44.353Z

  • ------------------------------------ Polling BLE Finished

Also in Homey it shows no status (open/closed) could that be part of the issue, or is it just a connection problem.

UPDATE: Just hooked up another Switchbot curtain (new from box, older firmware), when trying to connect to homey in Curtain (BLE),I get an unknown error. @Adrian_Rockall, iā€™ve sent you a report, maybe that will give some insights. Also just updated the firmware, same issue.

Had the same issue, close the Switchbot app on your phone completely, restart the app while the hub is on, it will detect the hub, but issues with Homey arenā€™t resolved even with cloud services turned on