[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

@Adrian_Rockall; Hi

In getting this error on my hp23, after backup from a other Homey:

And the logics aren’t updating. Closed or open.

Do I have to re-add them?

Removed devices (previously imported via hub)
App removed.
New test-app installed.
Tried to install curtains via hub, but error 190:

Diagnostic rapport

Is the app still running on another Homey?
The error message suggests that but Switchbot do tend to return 190 for any errors now.
If it’s really reached the limit then it should clear after midnight.
I had the error code 190 for about a week after Switchbot transferred my devices to a new account (new email address) and never really found out why, but it just started working again.
The new version should display the message that is returned with the error code rather than assuming it is a rate limit.
As I’m away for the weekend, it’s difficult for me to view the Homey diagnostics log, so could you open the Configure App screen, select the Information log tab and then send the log from there, as that will appear in my emails.

thanks for the quick reply! I had de Switchbot-app with bots still running on my old homey. Deactivating the app did the trick. I could add them to my new HP2023 and connect them. They’re working for 100% now :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I have published a new test version that will add battery information to all hub devices that now provide the information.
There is no need to re-add devices as the information will be automatically added when it is reported by the API.
At the movement there seems to be an issue with the Blind / Tilt as it always reports 100%, so hopefully SwitchBot will fix that at some point.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall,
Thank you for your commitment and development of this Switchbot app!
I am installing a Switchbot Hub to control the different IR devices in my Home Theater. When I wanted to add the devices/remotes in Homey, I noticed I wasn’t able to add the Projector remote. Is this something that could be added, or should I set up a scene in the switchbot app and add this to Homey?
Thanks for your help!

Was the Projector a standard device in the Switchbot app?
Can you try adding it as a custom IR device in Homey?
I will also look deeper into it when I get home.

It had to learn the buttons manually as the model was not known. But I had to do the same for the receiver and that added fine to the Homey app, as that category was available in Homey.

It doesn’t show up as custom device btw. I also tried all other IR categories and it those don’t show any device either.

Ok, thanks for trying. I will check this evening. SwitchBot has so many devices, so I decided not to add them all and wait for requests to see what was wanted.

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There is new test version with the Projector device included.

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Perfect! This works. Thank you for your very quick response!


Just received my Curtain bots. Trying to use your ESP32 hub script, but should I add the curtain bots with BLE or HUB?

With the BLE device.

I must be doing something wrong. When I use my Home pro 2019 I don’t get any response. But with the Switchbot app I do get a response. The ESP32 is 2 meters away from the bots and is connected to wifi (Hello! SwitchBot BLE Hub V1.2).

Could you open the Configure App screen, select the Log tab and set the Level to Basic Information, then restart the app. Once it has restart, go back to the Configure App screen and select the Log tab, then tap on Send Log.

On its way, thanks for the quick response btw!

It looks like the ESP32 is working and registering OK.

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).551Z
* server got: SwitchBot BLE Hub! 40:99:29:1f:b6:08 from [](

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).562Z
* Registering callback:

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).565Z
* callback/add

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).570Z
* {"uri":""}

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).574Z
* {
"host": "[](",
"path": "/api/v1/callback/add",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"contentType": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Length": 65,
"connection": "Close"

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).817Z
* Post: retrieve data

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).835Z
* Post response: {
"message": "OK",
"statusCode": 200

* [2023-04-13T19:22:52](calendar:T7:2023-04-13T19:22:52).840Z
* POST complete

So it should allow you to add the device that its found.

If I restart the ESP32 it finds the curtains, but it stops sending commands after the first command.
The ESP32 is keeps reachabl, is there a way to read logs or should I make a logger myself?

If you connect the ESP32 to your computer via the USB port, you can use the Arduino serial port monitor to view the debug information.

When you say sending commands, do you mean sending to the curtains to move them or sending status updates to Homey?
If you control the curtains with the Switchbot app, does Homey pickup the status updates?