[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

@Adrian_Rockall. Hello and thank you. it works since yesterday. I was able to add my lock to homey. On the other hand, when going by voice through Google home, Google does not ask me for my code to unlock the door… This can be dangerous…

Just got my first switchbot hub mini connected to my homey cloud using the switchbot app for cloud Works like a charm, testing various ir devices at the moment

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Hi @Adrian_Rockall just bought two Switchbots Minis. Made an account at switchbot, added the mini, installed your app on Homey (Pro) and started adding the device.

I have two choices (based ont the pictures from the devices):

  1. Bot (BLE): Starts scanning for new devices but result is: there are no new devices
  2. BOT (HUB): First time, I get the pop-up to log in the webapp of Switchbot. Process hangs after logging in. However, when I try a second time, logging in isn’t necessary anymore. I get a screen saying there are new devices (hopefull), but it immediately is replaced by a screen which says: No new devices found.

Trying to add a device using my phone, it won’t go passed ‘loggin in into your account’. On my laptop, it does log in.

By the way: I also selected “Custom IR remote”, same result. Will not pass loging in.

What is going wrong?

Hope you have a solution.

Thx, Michel

PS: In the app, in the log there is the message: Error: No Oauth2 Client found.

Hi all (and @Adrian_Rockall ) who has/had the same problem, I figured out how it should work.

It is indeed defining the HUB mini in the mobile app. Then, the next action is to define in that same app how you want to make use of it. In my case, i defined a new ‘device’ namely an IC for an airconditioner.

After I had connected the functions of my physical Remote control to the one in the app, and tested that it worked, I could then add it as a device in Homey!

So, glad that worked after all, I almost sent them back :slight_smile:

Regards, Michel

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Are there allready people that have succefully added switchbot curtains using BLE to the new Homey Pro 2023? I am trying this but Homey does not find the curtains. I tried to reset them and put them very close to Homey, but still nothing…

I have my curtains in Homey 2023

Have you tried several times as the app requires the devices to be picked up by Homey in a broadcast and sometimes it can take a few attempts to discover them.

Edit: There shouldn’t be any need to reset them as the discovery is passive and I have mine in three different Homeys.

Thanks! Nice to hear you have them working. I tried allready a lot of times to add them, but Homey cannot find them.

Is there maybe a maximum of devices where they can be connected to? They are also connected to Home assistant and my phone. Should that be a problem?

Do you also see a difference comparing to a previous Homey? Is the range better by example?

EDIT: When I look in developer tool under bluetooth, I see the curtains over there. But I am not able to connect them there…

There is no maximum as the connection is passive. The curtain motor broadcasts an advertisement every few seconds. Homey registers the advertisement and that’s how they are detected. The only time a connection is made is to send a command and the connection is closed as soon as the command is sent.

In the developer tools, do you see data in the service data section as that is where the type, position and battery, etc, information comes from.

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I see this;

My apologies. I had forgotten I had my ESP32 BLE module running and that was how the devices were being added.
I can see now that the new Homey 2023 returns the long UUID instead of the short UUID (fd3d), so I will need to change the logic from === to a ‘find’

I will publish an update ASAP.

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Hmm, update might take a bit longer. I can now add my devices directly to Homey 2023, but controlling them fails most of the time as the homey.ble.find( function immediately throws an error if the device is not in the current discovery list. It should check the list first and if it’s not there perform a discovery and check again. Issue is reported to Athom so will wait for an update.

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Thanks for investigating so soon! I will wait for an update. :+1:t2:

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I have published a new test version that should discover your BLE devices in Homey 2023. You will however need the latest Homey 2023 firmware (10.0.0-rc.56 or later) as well to be able to get status updates and control them.

Thanks! I will test asap.

EDIT: It’s working now, thanks. But… Bluetooth range of the new Homey is as bad as the previous Homey… So I think I have to consider a Switchbot hub. DO you know how great that range is?

It is still Bluetooth. Expect no miracles. Point-to-point communication. In theory it should have a 30meter free-field range.

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The SwitchBot hub range is slightly better, but the main benefit is it can be placed closer to the devices. You can also use multiple hubs of your devices are spread around the house.
I use my ESP32 modules as they have the benefits of BLE (all features), plus provide very fast feedback. If you have some DIY enthusiasm then you can buy ESP32 modules for around £10 and my code is on GitHub.

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I ordered a switchbot hub mini and will try to lacate it at a sweet spot so it can run my both curtains. One in the bedroom, one at the front door. Lets see how it goes. Otherwise I will buy a second one.


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Hi @Adrian_Rockall , I just installed a switchbot blind tilt. Now I see the tilt i only supported in the Hub mode. Do I have to purchase a Hub as well or will BLE support for the Tilt be added in the near future (if ever).

Thnx (app works great btw)

The Tilt BLE should be in the latest test version.

Works like a charm! Thnx.