[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I have published a new test version (2.0.7). This no longer uses the /setup endpoint except when adding devices as mentioned in the email from Somfy.

Now each device will request just it’s own states. Let’s hope this satisfies Somfy.

I would appreciate any testing of this version as i can only test the devices that I own.

I will test it today, I hope it indeed satisfies Somfy, but when I read the post of tetienne (maintainer of the Somfy component for home assistant), then it seems people received the email while they didn’t use the setup entry point regularly (like Homey did):

I hope you guys receive some explanation from Somfy and maybe can work together if needed.


I tested 2.0.7 and my IO roller shutters (with quiet mode) work fine. Set position / set state / tile button toggle / with quiet mode on & off / flows

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I have passed on my email address to tetienne so hopefully he will get a positive answer from Somfy.


Does the app knows if there is a trigger enabled in the app? I don’t use any of that, so polling is not necessary for me. I just tell my rollers that they must open or close.

You could set the polling time to be very high. It will still send commands but not update the status.
I will look into adding an option to switch polling off and just refresh a little while after send a command.

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I just created a flow thats sends a notification to my phone when the status is ‘omlaag’, but I don’t receive any notification, so is this polling working for somebody?

@Adrian_Rockall thank you for developing the app! I have horizontal “blinds” in my backyard (https://www.brustor.com/nl-nl/terrasoverkappingen/brustor-b200-xl-terrasoverkapping), which I can’t control via the app. I have a workaround to create scenes on my Connexoon, which I can activate with Homey. But it would be nice to set a variable between 0 and 1. I’ve sent you the log file via the Homey app. Please let me know if I can help you!

I updated to v2.0.7 and all my flows to control my 3 Velux roof windows (dakraam plat dak) and the 3 Velux sun curtains gave an error in the action card.

However, a second try…and all worked again! So, test twice!

Is this expected behaviour with the update?

How do I update my app to the test version? I have 16 velux electric windows, all with auto blinds , plus 13 normal window blinds , therefore I can test all these which is hopefully helpful to everyone.

I also controll my shutters and horizontal sun screen by using scenes in the tahoma box. This way I know for sure how far my shutters are closed. In the homey app this must be done by a timer -> close shutter -> stop after 7 seconds. But the communication is thru somfy’s cloud, so timing is not guaranteed.

But then still the app keeps polling :slight_smile:

If you’re shutters are io then you should be able to set the position.

I have the Connexoon, which is far less advanced I assume than the Tahoma. Besides that, I’ve asked Somfy a couple of times now why there isn’t a local api. Everything depends on their servers, and I’ve experienced some downtime in the last year from their side. I’m still waiting for their answer, which says a lot I guess…

@Adrian_Rockall If your reply is to me, yes, the terrace roof with the blinds is io, but I can’t find them in the app.

Now the polling is 10 seconds. Would it be all alright if I set that to 100 (what is the max for your app?)

I got that same email after I send the logs and all in the app. Maybe it is making to much connections or something. But now nothing works anymore from my Somfy app. My shutters do not work any more either. So Somfy is not aware of this app or what ?

The max is very big.

The app has always used an unofficial api so not sanctioned by Somfy.

Hey guys

I am a recent user of Homey (about 6 months now), and I just read the last post from Adrian here
=> The app has always used an unofficial api so not sanctioned by Somfy.

This does not inspire me with a lot of confidence as to how Homey collaborates with the different vendors of the automated devices. I bought Homey because it was being advertised as having integrations with a lot of brands, like Somfy, Hue, Daikin, etc… (It’s even on the Homey homepage as being one of the supported brands)

So far I have not had any issues with Homey, so I was a very happy bunny until I started having difficulties with my Daikin app in Homey of which I later found out was also made without the involvement of Daikin. I now read the same about the app for Somfy not using an official API and even worse, without it being sanctioned by Somfy.

Which support can we expect to get from Athom when Somfy makes good on their promise and starts blocking our accounts?

Or have I completely misunderstood and forgot to read some small prints somewhere? :wink:

My opinion is that Athom shall step in and negotiate with Somfy. It is their interest to maintain the functionalities as much as possible (its their basic strategy to be complex and they advertize it). I bought Homey because of Somfy support. Unfortunately Somfy can not reach the possibilities of Homey themselves. E.g. pay some fees for Homey users. Cmon my Homey costed 300 bucks.

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Don’t get me wrong, but why should Athom negotiate? because a community developer is using an unofficial API? and Somfy is changing how this unofficial API should be used? (which they are allowed to do, like is stated in their terms and conditions).

Somfy is still “officially” supported by Homey, even without this app, that is the RTS part, which was developed by Athom, I don’t see Athom specifying it is also is meant for the Somfy bridges (which is needed for IO devices), or did I miss that part?

Lots of apps are being made by the community (and kept being updated to stop these kinds of things getting to the end user), if that wasn’t the case then the amount of devices supported by Homey would be low, about 5-10% of what is available now, and sometimes this takes unofficial ways as the official ways are sometimes completely non existent (which happens more often then you would think), or really hard to get a key for (Logitech Harmony is such an example), but still people want to automate these devices, so there is no other choice then using these unofficial ways.
So if you want to be angry about it to someone, then be angry to these companies that make it so difficult.
This isn’t just the case for Homey, but with any home automation platform that allows community developers to develop apps, the platforms that don’t allow this are usually really restrictive.

But, that is also the reason why Athom is slowly moving to trying to get the apps supported by the Vendors themselves (for this very exact reason), but that’s not very liked by the community (developers) either as they usually have put a lot of their own free time (like this app), blood, sweat and tears into these apps, and there is a (big) chance you’ll loose at least some functionality, if the Vendors do it themselves.

Not thinking about this is kinda being ignorant, but even if Apps are written with the “official API”, it can stil stop working, just look at the entire Nest fiasco, and Google just shutting down that API.
Or the thing IFTTT is doing now, making it payed if you want more then 3 applets.
Lots of things are just out of our hands, and we are just completely reliant on decisions made by the Vendors/Manufacturers, things we have pretty much no control over, even if we complain with tens of thousands of people.

PS: still would definitely thank this (and previous) developer doing everything to keep it working (and now also including the developer of the home assistent one).