[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I have the same problem. Had an 401 when trying to use my blinds on 2.0.3. Believe the problem started 7 days ago, since my sun sensor hadn’t updated since then.

I have the old square Tahoma.

Removed the app, reinstalled it. No luck.
Tried the beta 2.0.5. Have green text that the login successful no matter what password I enter. When I try to add device I get login failed.

Don’t know if it matters, but when reentering settings page, the connection URL choice is empty again, even though credentials and method is still filled.

even there is green text login successful in log there is still 401 error

Nice debugging! :+1:

Apparently it’s always green, also with a given wrong password.

I can replicate these issues. I was concentrating on making sure mine worked with the correct details to see if the new method solved the issue for those that couldn’t login before. I was working on it until 5am and had to go to work at 8am so it was a bit rushed but wanted to get an idea if it fixed the problem.
I have now been making it more robust against bad data and converting more functions to async so it is easier to track through.
My Tahoma account will work with either method which does help me test it. I can see that logging in with one method and accessing using the other does fail so I’m confident that the new method is working throughout.
I will publish another test version soon which should have the proper checking back in. I have also added more logging.
Hopefully I will be able to get to the bottom of the login issue that some users are experiencing as I don’t like to be beaten.

Edit. I am very grateful for the testing and feedback, so thank you for your help. Together we will make it better.

I use Light VAR io at my Connexoon, but when I try to add Light Controllers in the app, my light controller can not be found. As it is connected in my connexoon.

I have received a device log from someone, was that you?
If not then could you go to the apps section and select the Configure App option for Tahoma. Then tap on the Device log tab, turn on the logging and wait until the list fills up. Then either tap on the send button or copy the contents to a pm.
My first priority is to make the current changes stable and published. Then I will add the new devices from the logs I have been sent. All being well it should be by the end of the week.

A new test version (2.0.6) is in both stores.
This should hopefully be more robust against bad credentials and correctly report failed logins.
I have also made a few other changes that ‘should’ make the app more robust.

I have just send my device logs, where you can see the Light VAR io. Hopefully you can do something with the app so I can use it in there. Thank you very much.

I have received the log and I can’t see any problems with adding the light.
Could you just send me the log again bit with the light on full intensity. I need to know what the range of the intensity value is. Homey uses 0 to 1 but most other things use 0 to 100.

The lights are now in full intensity and I have send the log again now. Thank you very much.

Hi Adrian, ppl will prbbly warn you about the email they will receive in connection with Somfy. I received such email, maybe you might wanna get in touch with them and find out their concerns. I suspect us using homey automations.

Dear customer,

In an ongoing effort to provide the best services to our users, we monitor the traffic generated by our applications and Smart Home boxes (TaHoma and Connexoon). It appears that you are using a third-party solution, either developed by yourself or provided by an external entity (developer or community of developers not working for Somfy). Such developments are made without our willingness and, sometimes, do not respect our usage guidelines.

We are contacting you today to update the way your script or your application behaves with our API as it is overconsuming our backend resources for your own installation. To do so, please contact the provider of your solution or update your code by October 31st.

We are asking all third-party scripts or application to reduce their polling activity on our API. In particular, the GET /setup endpoint is meant to be used once and only once by end-user session and not to regularly refresh the devices data.

As we do not want every TaHoma and Connexoon users be impacted by the overuse of some individuals, we will react in the coming months and set up rate limiters and automated bans if such changes are not applied.

Thank you for your understanding.

I was just planning to post the same…

So we have to reduce the polling.image

same email received from Somfy… i have 7 sun screens, 3 light sensors, 1 temperature sensor and the tahoma box also knows some 50 Hue devices and 8 Honeywell Evohome thermostatic valves .

I got the same email :scream:

Same email. My account seem blocked as well. I can login to the Tahoma phone app, but I cannot login to Tahomalink in browser.

same here

Same here.

Just received this email from Somfy. Whitch is weird as installed the app but don’t use it. so ???

\ 140x36
Warning on the way you use the TaHoma API

Dear customer,

In an ongoing effort to provide the best services to our users, we monitor the traffic generated by our applications and Smart Home boxes (TaHoma and Connexoon). It appears that you are using a third-party solution, either developed by yourself or provided by an external entity (developer or community of developers not working for Somfy). Such developments are made without our willingness and, sometimes, do not respect our usage guidelines.

We are contacting you today to update the way your script or your application behaves with our API as it is overconsuming our backend resources for your own installation. To do so, please contact the provider of your solution or update your code by October 31st.

We are asking all third-party scripts or application to reduce their polling activity on our API. In particular, the GET /setup endpoint is meant to be used once and only once by end-user session and not to regularly refresh the devices data.

As we do not want every TaHoma and Connexoon users be impacted by the overuse of some individuals, we will react in the coming months and set up rate limiters and automated bans if such changes are not applied.

Thank you for your understanding.

\ 600x15

\ 150x47
Copyright © 2020 SOMFY ACTIVITES SA, All rights reserved.
You received this email because you have subscribed on our website.

Somfy is committed to respecting your privacy. For more information, please read our privacy policy

Make sure you get our email, add us to your contacts list .

@Adrian_Rockall Is the API crappy or is there indeed something that could be changed in your app to reduce the load on their backend resources.

So it seems there is a constant load to Somfy even when the app is not used (and supposed to be idle)? Maybe something is changed lately, cause why would we get these emails pretty fast after 2.x

If they are complaining they should update their app, it doesn’t work with ios14, so it is normal people use their api.

If they charge +/- 200 euro for a connexoon and 350 for a Tahoma hub, they should have a decent server, api and app for that price

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