[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

It looks like there is a bug in the Homey app. Even the alert message is not showing in the app, but it does work in the dev portal. Also, the setting is being saved so the button click is working.
It looks like a problem when the screen must scroll down to see the button.
I will report it to Athom to see what they say.

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I do see an alert message when I fill something in that is less than 10 seconds:

I just don’t get a confirmation that the preferences are saved when I fill something in that is higher than 10 seconds.

That’s even more strange as the code for both is the same. I will take another look to be sure.

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Version 2.1.0 is now in test and submitted for release.
Athom don’t like long change logs so it is summarised as:

“Reduced the load on the Somfy servers as per the email from Somfy. Added an option for new login method to fix issues with logging into some accounts. Added extra log tabs for diagnostics.”

Now just to wait for the flak as nearly 2000 user update :woozy_face:


I have a Connexoon-box which controls 6 Velux IO roof windows and 10 Velux IO blinds.
Updated to 2.1.0, restarted app - that’s it. Everything works perfect! :grinning:

Adrian - Thanks for a tremendous work! :clap:

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I received the e-mail, but only have 6 Somfy / Velux IO-devices
3 windows like these:

and 3 sunblocking curtains inside them:

How is it possible that I created that much traffic on their server?

It’s the way the old app worked. It would grab a huge JSON object that contained every device and for each it had a lot of information such as the current values (all that we actually needed), a list of the possible commands that could be sent and the format of the values that can be retrieved, etc. That data could be in the region of 1MB. If you had a sync setting of 10 seconds then it would be fetching that every 10 seconds.

The new method fetches just the current values when the app starts up (around 1 KB) and then just the changes that have occured since the last request. Most of the time nothing has changed so that just take about 100 bytes to communicate. When something does change the packet is about 500 bytes. So the new method sees a huge reduction in the amount of data.


I only have roller shutters, so I increased the sync setting to 600 seconds (10 minutes). Then probably Im not an heavy user anymore, beside the huge reduction in the amount of data.
When I control the covers outside homey (remote or connexoon) then in the worst case it takes 10 minutes before the state is known in homey. It’s a roller shutter, so not a big deal in my case.
When I control the shutters inside homey, then it would be nice that homey do some fetch after X seconds. not sure if that would be possible?

I also tried 2.1.0 (I had 2.0.17) and the first time I moved the roller shutter I got a quick 401 error message, the second time I moved the same device it went well. So not sure what exactly happened. This is the info log when I receive that error:

    "time": "2020-10-13T10:13:15.519Z",
    "source": "post",
    "data": {
      "message": "Request failed with status code 401",
      "stack": "/exec/apply"

The 2.1.0 not work !

Error not be found…?

Try to restart the app, it looks like there is an issue after the update.

I did a restart and my 401 error is gone from my previous post. I try some more.

Edit2: I reproduced the issue

Same log:

    "time": "2020-10-13T11:27:12.003Z",
    "source": "Fetch Events",
    "data": {
      "message": "Complete",
      "stack": []
    "time": "2020-10-13T11:32:02.202Z",
    "source": "post",
    "data": {
      "message": "Request failed with status code 401",
      "stack": "/exec/apply"

It seems to happen after being idle for a while. Immediately after the error and I press the device tile again the cover move. Maybe related that I switched from 10sec sync speed to 600sec sync speed?

I think there might be an issue with Homey’s on 4.1 and lower firmware.
It appears I have used a feature that is not available on the old Node.js.

I am fixing it now and will get a ne version out ASAP.

I have 4.2.0? :thinking: but maybe another error then Andreas (Shadow)

I have 4.2.0 on Homey.

Restart Homey, restart the app…The login and passwort is not registrated when i clos the app and return in the app.
On page with apps on Homey, the Somfy app has a signe with “II” (paused)!

excuse me for me english…

Could it be that you saw this after you restarted homey? Cause then the apps are still loading / starting. The II sign should disappear within a minute. Or there is an error and @Adrian_Rockall can maybe help, then it looks like the app crashed?

I also see you aren’t logged in. Fill in your credentials (username/password), use default server and OAuth off and log in. If it does not work then try with OAuth on.

The pictures are after we restart homey and app.

I have deactivated the app for few minutes, when i restart the app i have the same problems.

When i fil the username and password with wnd without the oAuth a have the error : failed to login and error not found.
D’ont fil the username and password the same errors

Maybe you can have a look at the logs if you see some error over there that can help. And otherwise I suggest to create a diagnostic report and send the code to Adrian. Maybe the app crashes somehow on your homey. or @Adrian_Rockall is a diagnostic report not needed and if it crashes you would have got a crash report automatically?

I have uninstall the Somfy app and install the app, the login is good but i must integrated all my blinds and Velux…

I also have Homey version 4.2.0.
The reason I restarted the app after updating to 2.1.0, is that I always restart an app after install/upgrade - something I have learned is a good thing to do over the last 4 years running Homey. :innocent:

So far I have 10 crash reports, all on 4.1 or lower and all with the same thing:

static loginAttempts = 0;

SyntaxError: Unexpected token =

I didn’t realise the static keyword was introduced on the Homey 4.2 update with Node.js 12.
There is a new test version now and waiting for it to be published.

Hopefully there is nothing else that the earlier Homey’s don’t like as they won’t show up until it can get past this problem.

But how backwards compatible do you need to be as a developer?
At the end people should upgrade to at least 4.2.0 if they are still on 4.1.0.
Or do I say something strange.

Any idea why I got 401 error messages?
It seems to be related when I switched from 10 to 600 sync speed.
Cause when I switch back from 600 to 10, then the 401 message do not appear anymore. (for now)