[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

@erik.fisher thanks, much appreciated!
The Aqara B1 controller is in transit; hopefully delivered soon.


@TedTolboom That is awesome to hear! Looking forward to it:) Let me know if I can be if any assistance!

English please.

I have the same issue since the update, 7 motion sensors were very reliable but now very unstable.

Hmm, I’ve had my aqara motion sensors becoming slow responding in homey too.
They seem to take longer than before since the update… I wondering what’s causing this.

Hope this question isn’t answered yet. At least, I cannot find it.

I just installed a Motion sensor with lux meter from Aqara.
Ik can make a flow with:
WHEN the zone has become active
AND it is after sunset
THEN turn on lights.

Here I would like to replace the AND value to “light intensity is below “.
The room is quite dark already, so “after sunset” it too late. With the suggestion above I am far more flexible.

There seems to be no such trigger. Am I doing something wrong, or is it not possible. Or is this a good suggestion for implementation in a next version?


You have to use Logic to create such a flow.
When motion alarm is activated AND brightness of sensor is below xx (using logic) THEN turn on lights

Thx @Kevin !
Never done much yet with logic. But will look into it!
Doesn’t seem too difficult.

Hi all,

I bought an Aqara Wireless switch (WXKG11LM, productID sensor_switch.aq2 )
I installed the xiaomi / aqara smart app on Homey. And i added the Aqara switch. Once this was done, i checked in advanced setting the productID, in order the know which one i had and if i had choosen the correct one.

Only the problem is, i cant get the button working. It just wont trigger a flow. i use the if “a scene is actived” card. But i tried the other ones as well, but they dont work either.

It gives the battery status and the following values:

i’ve tried a few times to delete the device and reconnect it, also leaved the Homey unplugged for 10 min and then tried again, all with no luck.

When i press the button on the switch, it flashes quick 2 times blue, i dont know what the normal behavior should be?

Anybody who can point me in the right direction, to get it to work?. I searched about this problem, but i couldn’t find a relative topic or solution.

Homey version 2.5.2 (early 2016)

I presume you have more zigbee devices ?? (Router devices)
Also distance is not a isseu??
More info is needed.

No, this is my first zigbee device. The house is provided with KNX, so the most of the devices are controlled with KNX. Further i use the 433 mhz protocol for a KlikAanKlikUit(acm-100) dimmer, and a doorsensor (neo coolcam (z-wave)

I tried everything within max 1 to 2 meters between the 2 devices (homey & switch)

If do not have any other devices on zigbee i would remove the switches and the aqara app.
Than reset the zigbee network and readd the switches.
Ignore the the screen where it says that something is wrong when you reset the zigbee network.
Also reboot after resetting before adding devices.

Individual i tried those options, and indeed i got an error when resetting zigbee network. (ebadf bad file descriptor)
But let me try it in the order as you mentioned, will be reporting back. Thanks

Could be handy if we could the whole flow, and not just: a scen has been activated :wink:

Does the device have more flow triggers?

So i tried it in the following order: remove the switch, deleted the Aqara app, reset zigbee network, deleted the flow, reinstalled Aqara app, reboot devices. added the switch again, made flow again --> butt it still doesn’t work.

The device has only one flow to it:

p.s. yesterday i bought an hue dimmer switch, (with the same intention : to trigger flows) and i connected it directly to homey with the “Philips Hue ZigBee” app. and that works flawless. So i dont assume there’s no problem within the zigbee protocol.

Does the Aqara wireless switch have more triggers (Dutch: ‘als’ kaartjes).

Yes they have, see picture. I tried all of them, yet with no luck.

And u also tried the device very close to Homey to check if it’s a distance or interference problem?
2 meters is not very close, just for ur info.

Oke, but yes i tried it aswell, with the switch only a few centimeters removed from the homey. I had it also on top of the homey with testing.