[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

I have the same. Devices not connected and no mesh.

However: even though a device is not connected, it still works fine

Okay but it is not a one time happening thing.
Every once in a while a sensor a button or bulb from not a specific brand does not respond.
When 1 look in the routing table the thing that not respond is connected to homey without a router and the coordinator is missing.
This contact sensor cannot have a range isseu as it is positioned directly next to homey.

Little bit off topic.

The comments on as this maybe is related to homey and not for example this thread.
This is the result of homey like it is said before if there is a ZigBee rewrite coming that solves the ZigBee instability and there is no timeline.
People like me and others who have ZigBee problems will ask on this and other forum threads.
We are the end users and we buy products and if it is supported by homey we expect them to work(and reliable as possible).
Most and probably me to are not experts on zigbee we use homey to control our homes.
Maybe the creator of this wonderful app has more ideas of why the problems occur.

Well; knowing that Homey is a „bit of a better toy“ but nothing more (indicated everytime when the App starts and presents the „home screen“ which still is ver bad joke in terms of User experience) - however:
Something is causing the „cheapest devices of the world“ to not work as they should. And that is pretty f*{^^{>! up…

It causes i.e. the kitchen fan to work while the window is not open (which is a major reason to people dying at home as the fan is not allowed to work at all while the fireplace is burning!).
This is where this game starts to stop on my side and legal questions start to arise here!

@Mario_Me Then I suggest you to contact a certified electrician and ask him to install all the features you like to have and deliver a proof that everything has been installed according to all regulations.


I connected a Fibaro relay switch to my bathroom fan to have it switched by a Xiaomi Aqara Temperature and Humidity sensor.

I added both without a problem to Homey, but couldn’t figure how to make a flow to switch the fan on when the humidity is over 75%. The only ‘if’ trigger I can choose is when temperature, humidity or air pressure changes, but not a specific value.

The sensor itself perfectly displays all three values. Is there a way to use specific values in a flow?

Note to all:
For all questions regarding loosing contact with Zigbee devices (including the Xiaomi and Aqara ones) / no proper mesh (representation): please contact Athom support: https://support.athom.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

As mentioned before, this side of the communication is handled within the Zigbee / Homey core and not within the app itself. And as others already rightfully mentioned; these problems are not restricted to this (Zigbee) app only.

Hopefully, these support requests will increase Athom’s focus on the Zigbee rewrite.

Please keep this topic back on topic from now on and discuss generic Zigbee issues in another topic. Thanks.


@Auke_Westerterp you’re using the right trigger and need to add a condition to it.

WHEN: humidity value has changed
AND: logic card with local tag of trigger card, value is greater then 0.75
AND: relay is switched off
THEN: switch on relay

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Werkt super!!


Thanks. Got it to work like this.

Only thing is: nothing happens if it is 79 or 80 for a long time… :innocent:

That’s no problem. I have a timer on the fan that runs for a few minutes more, so it will never stick at that exact level.

This is an application; not an included functionality. Your, and only your, responsability. If you are not sure what you are doing; consider the advise of @TedTolboom

“Guns don’t kill people; people kill people”

And let’s get back on-topic. And just to be sure: this is all about the Xiaomi/Aqara Zigbee App.
Off-topic posts below my post will be deleted without further notice. If you have any problems with that please contact a moderator via PM.

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New things showing up :slight_smile:

Please keep in english or use dutch forum, thanks :blush:

I wonder what will be the new features of the upgraded Aqara sensors. I dont think much will change (?)

Smart Natural Gas Detector. Better not put that one beneath the couch or in the bedroom… Let alone the toilet… Imagine the battery drain on that device.


I have connected them as a generic Zigbee device. Works but…
There are two relays in the switch and when connected as a generic device, both of them are switched simultanuously. So adding them to the app would be more than just “nice to have”.

@TedTolboom: Could you add the relay to the app for a Paypal donation?

This is valid point. Lets hope Ted will add it. I sent him two Pilsner for the start :beer::beer: :grin:
Jan do they fit well into EU wall box? I am awaiting first one to test.