[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

… and still running on the first pair of batteries, right? :muscle:t2:

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Yes!!! My fibaros had three Batterie changes since then. I think I will change them in the future with aqaras. Or is there a reason to have the fibaros?

I could have four aqaras for one Fibaro door/windows sensor. And battery level is also not working with the fibaros. So why not change again aqaras?

Secure for zwave plus… okay. But pfff

As of latest version my freezer temp starts to jump -19c to -5 which is strange.

Thanks @TedTolboom for all the good work! My Xiaomi/Aqara sensors are also reporting 100% but let’s see how that develops. To be honest, don’t really care about an exact reading for everything over 20% :wink:

Hi Jeroen, I have the same strange behaviour in my wine cooler:

It goes up to 17,89 degrees almost every hour, while the cooler is completely off (the fridge is controled by Homey).
I use the Xiaomi Temp en Humidity sensor, the square one…

Since the update to 2.0 my volume turning on the cube does not work anymore.

Can somebody share their flow with the new 2.0 app if they managed to get the volume up / down of a sonos system by turning the cube clockwise / anti-clockwise? I can not figure out how to make it happen…Thanks in advance.

Since the 0.5.0 update yesterday i have not been able to use my buttons inside the Homey 2.0 app to trigger flows when pressing the device icon. Under the button info (longpress on device) i only see the following.

It´s the same for all of my buttons (all from Xiaomi). The buttons themself work fine when used “live” and run their respective flows whitout any problems.
I have tried to remove and add the buttons again without fixing this and restarting the Homey.

Anybody else have this problem?

i have it also.
thought it was only me

So I guess the parsing (core or driver) of the data received from the lifeline report contains a bug. I’ll investigate and look for a solution.

@Mole can you share the flow you use?
There was a bug in 2.0 that could have caused this issue, but that one is confirmed to be resolved…

@Mist that is correct; but hasn’t been different before app 0.5.0 or even Homey 2.0.0.
It was never possible to trigger the flows from the Homey app. Since the Xiaomi wireless switch also does not report it’s battery level, no further controls are visible.

Hi Ted, this is what i had/have:


And suddenly all my door/windows sensors are in the state Alarm???
All doors and windows are closed, weird…

Ah, Thanks a lot. Too bad they cant behave like the fibaro switches.

The cubes are quite fun to use.
In the Homey v1 it was in the tags possible to which side was up. In Homey v2 i don’t see this option anymore.
Now I discovered in the Xiaomi app the face numbering map. I know a little about technical drawings but this one I don’t understand.
In real the logo and the battery door are opposites, not in the numbering map.
Is there an easy way to discover the sides?

The face side is part of the arguments of the flow card: press “Any side up” and you’ll get all available options:

The alternative option is to use the “Cube motion” card:

Which will add the local tags “source face” and “target face”

Final alternative is to use any of the trigger cards (with any side up option where applicable) and use a build in logic condition card with the “face up” capability tag:

You’re referring to: https://github.com/TedTolboom/com.xiaomi-mi-zigbee/blob/master/docs/README_cube.md
1, 6, 4, 3 should be in one column.
The logo is located on face 6.

But to discover the face numbering, check the device sensor display. It has the actual face up shown there.

Thanks Ted!
I don’t see yet where I can find the tags but will look for it tomorrow.

I’ve just uploaded v0.5.1 to the app store (waiting for approval); that should solve the issue with incorrect temperatures being reported


Don’t see it yet, does Athom first need to approve?

Updated my comment… :wink:


After updating to v0.5.0 I have the idea that the human body sensors react differently.
Before this update, my sensors all worked 100% reliable, but now I seen many times that my motion sensor doesn’t see movement (even when I move slowly) and switches off my lights where in the previous app this never happened. I even changed my batteries, but still it does not work ok.
It’s not always going wrong, I think only 5% of the time.
By the way, my collegue has the same after updating, so it seems to be something in the app.

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@TedTolboom, the app is updated, but the sensors are not reporting anymore :slight_smile:
Rebooted Homey (through developer page) and rebooted the app, no luck yet…

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