[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Yes I would love to add the support myself but I’m completely new to Homey so currently I have to start with figuring out how to get started with development. Any documentation would be helpful.

Hi all,
i can´t find the answer, so i will try it here…
I have aquara door and window sensor. I am able to connect them to the Homey, but after several hours it stops work. Then i have to delete this device from homey device list, and pair it again… Do you have any solution for this problem?
Many thanks!
This is my device list. The “Senzor balkonu Eliska”, and “Okno vedle tv Obyvak” works great, and are the same sensors…

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If you’re using the HP2023: devices dropping out of the network or becoming unresponsive is a known issue of the Homey Zigbee stack.

I am using HP Early 2019.

So which devices in the list you’re showing don’t work well?

FWIW, some people are experiencing issues with the combination of certain IKEA router devices and Aqara end devices. Since you also have a lot of IKEA devices, that might be the problem.

In this case we are talking about the device nr.16.

Is the same device like nr.1 and 5 is. 1 and 5 are working great lik one year, but nr. 16 stop working after let say one day. Then i have to delete the device and connect again. All IKEA devices are just the bulbs and Remote control.

Have you replaced its battery (don’t trust the battery percentage that Homey shows, if any)? How far is it located from its nearest router device? Be aware that Aqara devices tend to “stick” to the router they used during pairing, which is why you should always pair Aqara devices at their intended location of use, not close to Homey.

The battery is new in the device. I even tried another device but same result. The device is about 2-3 meters from the three sonnof controllers that are working correctly. I paired everything directly at the point of use. On the picture below is the sonoff Smart switch i use…

This sounds like either a defective device, or a specific combination of devices that just isn’t working well.

In any case, if a Zigbee device stops being updated in Homey, it’s always an issue with the underlying Zigbee core and not the app itself. The app receives signals from the Zigbee core (“hey, device X sent message Y”) and if the core stops sending those messages for whatever reason, there’s nothing the app can do about it :frowning:

I thing, it has to be combination of this two devices. Sonoff x Aquara… Exist anny possibility to tel to Aquara: “Hey, you have to connect directly to the Homey Pro! Dont be stupid, and dont connect to another device!!!” ? :slight_smile:
Next episode is, the device nr.1 is connected to HP with the same sonoff device (Another one), and is working correctly…

It’s not possible to tell the device to pair with Homey directly, although you can try to pair it right next to Homey and hope that it will use it.

Is it possible to add some “and” functions for the temperature sensor?

  • Temp higher than … C
  • Temp lower than … C
  • etc

Thanks in advance.

This can all be done with regular Logic cards.

Thanks for you reply.

I know it’s possible with the logic cards but it’s cleaner when you can use it without the logic cards. Like the door sensors.

Not really, because you’ll end up with a load of additional cards (lower/higher/equal/not equal/almost/not quite/in the range/not in the range/feels like/etc), and that’s just for temperature. Add the same amount for humidity and pressure.

Small update on my part for the Aqara t1 light sensor 2023, GZCGQ11lm.
I’ve tested the device with the existing light sensor code in the app and it works out of the box.
Adding support should not be very challenging. I’ve created a PR on github to add the support but I’m assuming some rework on my part is needed (like adding correct icons for example).


Is Lumi Technology Co., Ltd working on an update? been a While since the last one and not a lot of communication since the announcement of the collaboration :nerd_face: lots of new device requests but not a clear roadmap like Ted did last time :slight_smile:


I’m using the Aqara app and loving it so far. I do, however, have a problem when adding the Roller Shade Driver E1. When I’m adding it, it shows up just fine in the app. But when trying to control the driver, connection errors occur. When clicking the reset button on the driver, it shows a red light saying it’s not connected. When holding it for 5 seconds to repair it, it adds without problem again, but the problem of not being able to controle the driver via de app remains. I also have two Curtain Driver E1 and those works flawlessly with the app. I’m using the Homey Pro 2023, btw.

Is this a problem on the app side, or is my Aqara driver possible not working properly?

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I have 3 Aqara B1 curtain controllers. All are set to be able to manually close and open the curtain. It is only working on one of the controllers. Do I need to do some extra setup? I also tried to update the firmware to the latest via a Aqara hub but no new firmware was available.