[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

This should be checked :slight_smile: I mean I imagine homey receive the new values of lux that are asociated with that moving and after that it is sends the instructions to the bulb. I hope at least. This is the normal logic :slight_smile:

The issue isn’t with sending the instructions to the bulb, the issue is the order in which the motion event and the lux value are sent. If the motion event is sent first, it will trigger the flow and Homey may not yet have received the new lux value when you check its value in the AND card.

Hi everybody,

Just one question : any slightly estimated ETA of support of the Aqara FP1 Presense sensor, please ??

got 2 of them now here as sitting ducks after my HA Zigbee malfuntioned and wondering when I would be able to link them to my Homey Pro 2023.

Ok, I will test this and put the info here. I still think that the creators of this kind of sensors sent pair of info (like an array) with all the updated values together like [motion alarm,lux value] = [on,20] when you triger the sensor. Hope they maximise the potential of using in a smart way the sensor hardware.

AFAIK Zigbee doesn’t work that way at all, but I’m sure you can explain to all other app developers here exactly how they’re doing something wrong.

haha, you are makeing fun of me :slight_smile:
I really do not know how it really works, i only think positive until I will test the beaviour :slight_smile:


Hello guys. Is this a place where everyone gets help if you struggelig with Aqara devices, or is it just a info site?

I manage to resolve it with my HP2023 (10.0.0-rc.71)
You need to ensure your B1 curtain reset to factory setting should be red LED indicator.
Remove existing and add as new device as repair will not work.

Dear community,

since April 4th 17:25 I’m experiencing flatliners with my SP-EUC01 smart plugs (lumi.plug.maeu01) and I have flows depending on the power readings of those smart plugs. Since that time the power of a particular plug should be 0, as no devices are consuming power since then, but the power reading shows the latest value (37.3 W), while no power is consumed. I restarted the App, but still a flatliner.
I started consuming power again since 08:05 (switching my computer on) and the consumption went up to 70 W (which is reasonable), but stays flat at that value for about 20 minutes. Then at 08:25 it started fluctuating a lot (which is normal/expected behaviour). Then as of 08:40 it is showing flat sections of 2 - 3 minutes. Anyone any idea what could be causing this?

It’s a community (of users of Homey) forum, where you might get help if someone knows a solution for your problem of Aqara Zigbee devices mis- or nonbehaving with Homey. No garanties unfortunately.

I know, been around for a while. The knowledge of the community is large, so always helpful to ask such questions here :wink:

Sounds like an interference problem, is your wifi on the same channel as zigbee?

Thanks Glenn. I checked and initially I thought they overlapped (both on 11), but then found an article explaining this interference in depth:

and it was posted before (I just saw). There is a nice graph visualising this overlap. Just posting it here for anyone else experiencing the same.

So, my WiFi mesh was on channel 4, which might interfere with Zigbee channel 11. I changed that and will now await if this improves over time.

Read somewhere that this site is where the developers of the Aqara app helps you with issues… Really hope someone then can help me, since I don’t get enegy consumtion info in Homey…

“I don’t get energy consumption info in Homey” is not a very clear problem description…
I assume there are not many psychics or clairvoyants here so if you want help with something you’d better start with explaining in more detail what your problem is.

I have done…several times…

Hi. So I have installed a H1 single wall switch w/neutral in my basement. It works really well. One thing I don’t get is why it doesn’t show energy consumption. Can someone help me with this issue, please?

Apparently not, since this is now the third time you asked this question.

Any updates on that?