[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Hi @TedTolboom

I have a request for the rollershade driver E1. In the device settings I am able to change the speed. Is this something you can add as action for flows aswell?

My cat would be happy too!
Please add the support.
I am ready to test it.

Smart Pet Feeder C1 (aqara.com)

Thank you.

Hey! In the Homey App Store this app changed its owner to Ā«Lumi Technology Co., Ltd.Ā», does it mean that Aqara Officially working on this App now?

Dear all,

I am proud to announce that Lumi Technology Co., Ltd. has indeed taken responsibility over this app.

I will collaborate with them as contract developer and together weā€™ll release the Aqara app under their name to the Homey app store.

In collaboration with Athom BV, we will further extend the use of this popular and for many users essential app within the Homey eco system.


Wow, that is great news, @TedTolboom!
Does it change the roadmap you already shared in the past evt?

We have seen some companies also ending their support for Homey. Like Duux some while ago i.e.
Will you (or another developer) still be able to continue maintaining this app?
Do not want to be critical of course, because I think it is good that companies get involved in Homey themselves, but the Aqara app is sooooo widely used and important to so many users. All thanks to you! :pray:t2:

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The goal of the collaboration is to provide better and earlier support for the commonly available Aqara devices (ie. released to the EU and US regions).

Duux is IMHO not the right example. Due to firmware changes, the communication protocol between the Duux devices and Homey became incompatible.
Therefore it was no longer feasible to maintain a working app.

Fully recognized. For that reason Athom is also involved in the collaboration.


Sounds great, does anyhow change the way we may report issues, ask questions, raise ā€œrequestsā€ ?

Great news and congratulations!

I made a wrong order, got the bluetooth motion detectors, could this mean I can keep them (I have patience)? :smiley:

Thanks for all your hard work (and team) for getting the app to where it is today

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Can you add this smart Fan?


@TedTolboom please add the two devices to the app:

Aqara Pet Feeder C1
Aqara Smart Radiator Thermostat E1

If you need a tester, I am ready to support.


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Is already mentioned in post #4110.


Dos any body know wy Ted dos not responded to the questions? I there someone else we can ask? I have sinds the Latest update problems whit my aqara light sensors the give a battery messages every few hours. Battery empty en direct afterwards battery full. This is a problem in the app. Re inclusion is not an option. Battery changement also not an solution. Please help this is very annoying.

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Ted implemented new algorithm to better track battery levels - search above, however seems there are some dropouts, in my case for light sensor, 4x time per day. Re-inclusion will not help you. He is aware, since beginning, thatā€™s all I can say on that.

Ok, thx hoor there is a solution. I have same issue, 4 times a day 2 light sensors battery empty en than ful

You could try to speed things up to offer him a payed job for thisā€¦ Else be patient, itā€™s costing him his spare time.
Alas lots of peeps donā€™t seem to understand that. There are more important things in life then some bogey battery messagesā€¦


@TedTolboom Would it be possible to allow/add the decoupled operational mode setting for the Aqara Wall Switch H1 in the Homey app? So you can even use smart bulbs behind the switch.

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Hello! Could anyone tell me if it is possible to remove the second channel of the Aqara Double Relay Controller from the UI? I have a radiator hooked to the first one. The second one does nothingā€¦

You donā€™t have to remove anything, just donā€™t connect wires to the second channel and donā€™t switch it ON.

but this way Iā€™ll still have a button for L2 in the app that does nothin, right?