[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

I’ve modified two Aqara motion sensors to make them “Hacked sensors”, but I am still not able to set the blind time lower than 60 seconds in the app.

The text hint says that I should be able to, so what could cause this?

Have you selected “yes” at the “hacked sensor” option in advanced settings?

Yes. But I am still not allowed to change the value down from 60 seconds (topmost value in your screenshot). Input box just gets a red frame around it, and I can’t save.

You don’t have to change this value.
After you’ve selected “yes” at the “hacked sensor” option, the blind time is automatically changed to 5 seconds.
You just don’t see it in the value. See my screenshot too.

Test it and you willsee it works (if short circuited it correctly)… :slight_smile:

You’re right. It does work!

However, one of the sensors seems quite slow to respond (was like that also before the mod). I wonder if it could be a Zigbee issue or something with the sensor itself. I can see that it makes a hop via another node (Aqara power plug), but that shouldn’t be a problem. My other sensor responds much quicker (and talks directly to Homey.

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Hi, @TedTolboom
I have just received 10 x MCCGQ14LM Door sensors.
If you still would like to receive one to test, I would gladly send you one!

I have three Aqara motion sensors, and for the first two the mod (“hacked sensor”) works as it should. However, the third one goes haywire with the mod in place. It just triggers motion alarms in a loop, even if placed in a completely isolated spot. Removing the mod again, and it works normally.

I did not make any mistakes with the mod (I have extensive electronics experience), it just doesn’t handle the mod at all. It was bought in a different store to the other two, so perhaps it has a different firmware or something.

I have some of these smart plugs, and unfortunately they start in the OFF state after a power outage. However, according to the FAQ found here (item 6):


…it should be possible to activate a setting to have the plugs restore their state. This is not included in the app, so I take it that it hasn’t been possible or easy to figure out how to actually set this. It is of course also possible that the FAQ is incorrect, I suppose.

Perhaps a faulty battery?

Not likely, I think. It was brand new out of the box. And as I said, removing the mod makes it behave normally again.

That’s why I said “faulty” and not “empty”. But hey, if it’s not likely, there’s no need to test.

It is just odd that it works normally with that same battery without the mod, and then misbehaves (retriggers constantly) with the mod. I guess I could check the labels on all of them (would have to open them back up again) and check if this last one is different.

From what I know, the modification puts the device in a test mode, which may have other implications other than the sensor reporting more often.

Yes, that is absolutely possible. I’m not sure I really see much benefit to the mod for my usage, I was just curious. If used to control lights, it doesn’t really matter as long as the lights are kept on by a timer (in Homey) that is longer than the blind time of the sensor.

Hi Ted,

Thank you for an excellent app and appriciate the good work you are putting into this. I probably have 30 ish sensors and working flawlessly most of the time.

One question from me if it is any plans to support the roller shade controller SRSC-M01 in the near future?

Again thanks for all the effort! :blush:

Fingers crossed …

I can’t find anything in the settings yet, is there already a way to solve the problem?

Find it confusing that when the curtains are open, this is shown as Active in the Homey and vice versa :smiley:
(The Xiaomi Curtain but wired)

Eagerly awaiting this as well. Let me knwo if you would like the sensor…
Happy to send some.

My Aqara h1 double switch (no neutral) switch of my lights after a couple off minutes no button is pressed.

Hi guys, I am new to the Homey universe, and just got my self a Homey bridge. I was wondering, can I add Aqara sensors to my Homey bridge without having to purchase the hub?