[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Just to confirm, I get the same error on the single device.

It can be added, but when trying to use it, it reports “subDeviceId is not defined”

Found the issue and fixed it in v1.3.5, currently available in the test environment of the app store
It should start working after updating, otherwise please remove the switch and re-add.

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@TedTolboom ok I tested and now work.

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I thought if it worked on electricity H1 switch (L/ LN) devices that will be workd router mode. But it is work enddevices. Is it good and I think wrong?

Rightfully noted. It is a known ‘issue’ with the H1 switches, also with other automation systems, that they report as EndDevice, instead of router. I will need to check with Athom if I can overrule the reported deviceType from within the app.


After I upgraded to Homey Pro and a zigbee reset Homey has been running smoothly.

I decided to re-add some Aqara stuff, that I had not included after the latest zigbee reset. In this case a double wireless switch ((WXKG02LM). One would not be included at all, the second one included nicely after some tries (and to a zigbee router, not to Homey directly).

I created a flow to switch on a ventilator - the flow works when tested - but the switch does not trigger the flow.

Is this a know issue?

Tried both left and right switch as a trigger, to no avail.

I look forward to your reply. It would be good if it could be a router already because of the stability of the network

What happens if you remove the AND condition temporary?
Start testing it as simple as possible.

Hi @TedTolboom I add new H1 single wall switch (L) toilet. If I on the switch on automatic fan. Normal mode if I off the light after 3 minutes off fan. But now not stopping, if I delete the device homey the fan stop again 3 minutes. Can this fix or not. here diagnostic report: ef31d3ff-4bc2-4ce8-934d-c49fcc7e3f9f thanks

Thanks for the suggestion @Peter_Kawa

Made it like this:

Still does not work with the switch (but the test works).

YW, Ernst.
The test btn just triggers the flow, it can’t check the switch.
Idk what to check next. It seems like the switch just doesn’t trigger the flow, no signal is received.

Is it connected on zigbee directly or via a router device?
And what brand of router device do you use?

It connects via an Aqara relay. I will do some more testing. Perhaps even replace the battery.

I removed the switch. Replaced the battery, tried to include it again… but it will not include.

Removed again. Added again, on top of Homey. Took two attempts. And now - ladies and gentlemen - it works…

@TedTolboom I just got the Aqara cube, works in general very reliable. However, when I move the cube too much in the air (for example when I am looking for a specific side) and place it back on the table, the top side is not updated. My guess is that this is because none of the existing ‘gestures’ is detected due too much movement. Is this something that can be fixed?

Edit: just read about this in the repo documentation. Turned out my guess was correct. Thanks for building this app!

Hi Ted!
Can you please add more options to click buttons on Aqara H1 Wireless Double Switch.
As of now it only works as a single switch.

I’m looking into the issue right now.

I’ve added all options already :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Check the “A scene has been activated” flow card…

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Thanks! Didn’t notice that option.

Hi Ted,

Just FYI, any thoughts on this? It seems sensor model related

The device is reporting it’s battery voltage on periodic basic, or can be forced by pinching the sensor.

Battery percentage is calculated by a linear decrease between 3.0 and 2.5V, and battery alarm will trigger if the voltage is below 2.6 (20% based on the linear depletion). A more accurate voltage curve can be implemented, but differences are minimal. Any suggestions how to improve are welcome.
In fact this is a similar approach compared to other platforms.

Thanks, Ted.

Still odd, pinching all 4 sensors didn’t change battery level indicators, it’s still 100%.
Temperature & Contact sensors do report values below 100%