[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Did you also try to pair the motion sensor near a ‘powered zigbee router’? (not the homey self). When I would like to pair a device, I have to hold the sensor near my Innr SP120 (zigbee smartplug).

Has anyone had the same problems with the Aqara temp/press/humidity sensors (square ones) as below? 3 other sensors work flawlessly.

Bathroom (see below)
Humidity shortly peaks at 654,4% (increase of 619,5 %)
Pressure shortly drops to 990mbar (decrease of 1 mbar)
Temperature shortly drops to -100 °C (decrease of 120,8 °C)

Balcony (see below):
Temperature shortly drops to -14,59 °C (decrease of 39,52 °C)
Humidity shortly peaks to 184,08% (increase of 94,28 %)

Already repaired and replaced the batteries. I am on Homey v5 rc59.
Would both sensors be faulty?

Al fine here (temperature, humidity and pressure), I have 5 of them.

I had a similar issue. In my case I think the cause was that the sensor was at the edge of the range, outside under a shelter. Humidity spiked sometimes (also to 654,4%), interval of update in values showed variation although the temp changed, only humidity and pressure changed and not the temp (although there actually was a change). Thought the sensor passed away and bought a new one.

Placed the ‘old’ sensor inside, more close to homey, changed the battery, the sensor itself dried up (the mist caused humidity in the sensor I think) and now it seems to be working again. Placed the old and new sensor a few cm apart from each other indoor to do some parallel testing. I have bought an extra router device and will start testing outside again after it is in.

No issues with 4 of them, of which 1 in the fridge (-18) and one outside (sheltered).
The sensor in the fridge even follows the outside pressure trend nicely. :slight_smile:

Thx for pointing me out to those posts on Github, @Sharkys.
I am not on Gihub. Do you still need more reports, @TedTolboom? Any idea if this is something you can do something about or investigate?

[EDIT]: Turns out I had a Github account after all. :slight_smile: Posted my findings and diagnostic report there. Saw the problem was is marked as a bug.

In the next update I’ll release a fix to filter out these values…
but I have more pressing (and greatly anoying) Zigbee issues at hand ATM

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No problem @TedTolboom, thx for the reply!
In the meantime; do you have the time to give a bit more information on what the problem is?

Is it a faulty sensor and are you referring to designing a way to filter out the wrong values?
Or is there a bug in the app which you want to solve in the next update?

Otherwise said: would it help to replace the sensors with these problems?

1001… 1002… 1003… 1004…
Did he actually imply there could be a bug in the (my) app? :thinking:

No, from time to time these sensors send a wrong value, which will be filtered out in the next update. Also happens on other platforms.


Haha, you marked this topic as a bug yourself on Github… :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t dare!!! :wink:

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I am running Homey v4.2 with Aqara Zigbee v0.8.0 version and I have just installed one Xiaomi Aqara vibration sensor in Homey.

I see that the device works aleatory, especially with the tilt capabilities. It is not a matter of distance to Homey device or signal since I have tested it in many different locations and even very closed to Homey (1-2 metres distance). The vibration alert works reliably but with low sensitivity.

I have heard that this device should have 3 sensitivity levels but I don’t see this setup in Homey.

I would like to know what it the experience of other people that installed it, if you see a different behaviour and if in Homey v5 with latest Xiaomi APP version works the same/worse/better.

Hi Ted.
Any idea when Aqara SSM-U02 will be supported in an official release?
That would highly be appreciated.


My guess: when firmware v5 is officially released.

Robert is right, it’s already supported since 1.2.0 (version for V5). So you have to wait till Athom does the official release.

I’ve just updated Homey to V5. The availability of a Aqara app with positive reviews AND support for the Aqara double relay LLKZMK11LM was the trigger. I use it to control the mechanical ventilation in our house, which during the Corona pandemic is particularly important. See also Control Stork Air WHR 930 with Xiaomi Aqara double relay LLKZMK11LM

Everything works fine now, but I get a pop-up stating support for this device might discontinue in future versions. I do not know the reason for this, but I hope the app will continue to support the device until a zigbee alternative is available. I believe Aqara only has a new single switch at the moment.

Could you please advise what I should do? Thanks in advance for your help.

The double relay driver has been deprecated and is replaced by a new driver that is creating two different device instances that are also compatible with eg. Google Home.

You can still use it as is; will keep working or choose to remove the device and re-install it.

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@TedTolboom Thank you for your quick response and I have enormous respect for all the work you and your fellow contributors have put into this! I am very pleased to learn there is no immediate action required on my part and a more sustainable solution is already included. I will remove and re-install the device. Again, thank you very much!

Hello I have issues with Aqara Wireless Remote SINGLE Switch (https://www.aqara.com/en/wireless_remote_switch.html).

It works fine, but there is only “Press 1x” option available in “A scene has been activated” trigger. Options “Press 2x” and “Long press” are missing.

Homey’s version is 4.2.0, model Homey Pro, Early 2019
Aqara & Xiaomi ZigBee application is v0.8.0.

Switch details:
Manufacturer ID
Product ID
Device ID
Profile ID
Network Address

Here’s the screen I am talking about

Thank you