[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Values refreshed every 10 minutes. Still on 4.2 with this app on v0.8.1.

Also, values are always ending xx.99 (not rounded) for both sensors.

Thank you very much for your work.
It took me two day to figure out how i can use the Aqara opple 4-buttons (pretty tricky for a new homey owner => upgrade Homey zu experimental firmware and install the test app) but now they are working without problems.
Donated 30 Euro … keep up you work.

You might want to increase the temperature of your house instead of blaming the app ;).

I tried this, but it didn’t work for me. It does work in direct when I’m close to another Zigbee device that acts as a router, in my case an Ikea Zigbee amplifier. I then registered 6 aqara water sensors without any problems.

Thanks! Much appreciated!

A brief update regarding the v5.0.0 issues blocking to add additional Zigbee devices:

Robin Bolscher 13:36
We are aware of an issue introduced with Homey v5.0.0 which can prevent Zigbee devices from joining the network in certain situations. We know why this happens in some situations and are currently working on a fix for this.


Hi Eric,

I tried about 50 times to register my Xiaomi water sensor close to Homey. No luck what so ever. After reading your post about registering the water sensor close to another Zigbee device like an Ikea amplifier I tried to register mine close to an Ikea smart plug and bingo. Registered instantly. Thank you for mentioning it.


I love the work you have done and especially the implementation of the Xiaomi Honeywell smoke detector. Just one question. Is it possible to trigger the alarm manually? So it can be used as a siren in combination with the Heimdall app.

The smoke sensor does support a “self test”, basically it’s sounding the alarm from your phone. This is only supported in combination with the original Xiaomi bridge and app. I’ve already made a request on github for it, hopefully Ted can integrate it in the Homey app so you can use it in a flow.

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Gentlemen, I am already afraid that I know the answer, but would still like to make use of your expertise. I have 2 “Aqara Polle” switches (2 and 6 pushers).
I will nog get it paired anyway. I have performed the PTP (several times) but “did not get it right”. I also notice that I am experiencing problems with connecting Fibaro (failure is at Athom) and Innr.

Yesterday I managed to find it once but got the message “device is not responding anymore”.

Am I forced to reset the Homey?

homeyVersion “5.0.0-rc.38” / Aqara & Xiaomi Zigbee app version v1.1.4 / Homey app

Thanks for the support


The answer you can find in this post.

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Can you try not to include the Zigbee device in close proximity of Homey, but close to a (verified) working Zigbee router?

Ted first thanks for the support. Yes I try it a few times today.

I keep the Opple 10 cm from the ‘router’. Nothing happens :cry: (

My innr sp20’s are less reliable under V5 firmware, and also do not help in pairing other devices. Near Philips HUE routers however, pairing is a breeze. Also, when rebooting, innr routers often register as unreachable. After a few restarts when all are detected, those devices work fine, and will route other devices. But they never seemed to help when pairing, and I had the same feeling with V4 firmware.

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… and in addition, my innr sp120 also seem to refuse to route each other. They either work directly connected to Homey, or they do not work at all. So it’s not just that they are fussy about Xiaomi Aqara.

Luckliy, if I pair Aqara stuff directly, move them away, they will find the innrs and free up direct connections to Homey. It does take some time though with V5 firmware. And this is despite the fact that many say the Aqaras tend to stick to what they paired with.

I found this out because my Aqara stuff had to find new routes when I had to pair almost all my innr routers again. I didn’t want to destroy all my flows, so I kept alle my battery powered Aqara sensors linked. The first few days most didn’t work, but luckily a few days later all of them started responding again when they found the new routers.

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Hi, could you please add this to the device list

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That’s a nice device to replace some of my built-in KaKu (433mhz) stuff :smile:

Probably Ted need more info than the website, for example the product, device, profile ID

Hi @Devlish, welcome to the community!
Yes, it’s on my list to add to the app.

Guess what… I already have the device at hand :wink:


Trying to add a new Aqara Window/door sensor. No luck, cant get past the inclusion screen. Have 5 similar other devices working as a charm (thanks ted). Any suggestion how to add the new one? The others were added pre 0.8 v and homey 5.0.

Yes, PTP and try it immediately after. I added like 6 devices like that recently.
(assuming you read the whole topic, have ZigBee routers and/or < 20 ZigBee battery operated devices without router)