[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

It’s not double tapping on the device, it is double tapping with the device. As in knocking with the cube on the table…

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Wow, you are right. Definitively not going to use that, that will damage table and-or cube :wink:
Thank you Ted!

Hello Ted,

I‘ve a question about the Aqara Motion Sensor.
Why is the lowest setting at „Disable Motion Alarm After“ 60 seconds?
Is there a reason, that I can‘t set lower values?

I checked the drivers code and could find the setting:

“settings”: [
“id”: “alarm_motion_reset_window”,
“type”: “number”,
“label”: {
“en”: “Disable motion alarm after”,
“nl”: “Schakel bewegingsalarm uit na”
“hint”: {
“en”: “This setting will disable the motion alarm after the given time (in seconds) has expired. Every time motion is observed by the device it will reset this timeout.\nRange: 60 - 86400, default: 300 [s]”,
“nl”: “Deze instelling zal het bewegingsalarm uitschakelen na de tijd (in seconden) is verstreken. Elke keer dat opnieuw beweging wordt gedetecteerd wordt deze timer herstart.\nBereik: 60 - 86400, Standaard: 300 [s]”
“value”: 300,
“attr”: {
“min”: 60,
“max”: 86400

What‘s going to happen with lower setting than 60 seconds?

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Read a bit back in the topic:


If you’d read the quote (and replies on them) from Peter you’d know that this is a physical limitation by the xiaomi motion sensors so allowing it in Homey’s aqara code doesn’t make it respond any faster than every 60 seconds, hence to prevent confusion it is hardcoded

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My information is, that the threshold is 60 seconds, not 120.

And as far I know, the sensor can just report activity, NOT inactivity.

Basically it wouldn‘t brake anything when the threshold for inactivity is set to a value below 60 seconds.
It would just mean, that you have to wait for 60 seconds until the motion sensor can detect a new motion.

@Max_Menther can you please read the info being provided?

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@Hannes85 tks, for hint, I just red the quoted message
@PetervdK sry for the misunderstanding

I did and now itˋs clear why you hardcoded the lower limit.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Good, we’re getting there… :wink:

Then you’ll also noticed the pencil hack and corresponding advanced setting, that will overrule the lower limit and provide the option you’re looking for.


Tks, for help✌️

Do you check/accept pulls on Git?
I could support a bit and add/complete the german translations.

A pity though we can’t get. lux values out of the motion sensor, as its reported only upon motion…

I agree, but maybe there will be a hack for that in the future too.

But is it possible to do the following?

  1. When motion is detected
  2. And lux is lower than X lx
  3. Then turn on the light with X % (based on lux value that will be read during step1)?

Cause that would be nice for my entrance, hallway.

The Lux only gets updated at motion, so if it is night but the last motion was during day, the last value is a high lux. After it detects motion then it updated the lux value to 0 for example.

You could built in a delay. Movement is detected, start other flow with delay of 1 second and have that flow turn in the light based on the lux.

Or if he create a flow like (When X zone gets active, and lux is below X then turn on X light)
It will work great as well, i use my aqara sensors like this and it never fails.
I believe homey receives the lux update slightly sooner then it sets the zones to active so it always has the current lux updated for this scenario
(That is of course, if setting a zone active is possible for it’s needs, if need just a specific sensor, then what i sayd worths nothing :sweat_smile:)

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Or creating variable - 0 or 1 - that’s how I’m using it.
All lights have condition to turn on only when this variable equals to 1 - and that variable is set based on several factors : lux/luminance values &time, sunset event & month or light percentage from Weather forecast etc.
But here we are sightly off topic already.

Hi Ted,

I recently installed version 0.8.1 thru CLI so I could add 2 lumi.sen_ill.mgl01 light sensors from XIAOMI.
This is working great and the devices are recognized by adding.
But in the Advanced settings there are properties to set motion detection while this device doesn’t have motion detection. Also it’s possible to set Hacked sensor.
Is this correct?
The light sensor is sending an update every 10 minutes, but there is no setting to change this to for example 1 minute.

I have the same advanced settings with v1.1.4 experimental and Homey FW rc38. I guess this isn’t correct.
But the light values are refreshed approximately every 1-2 seconds.