[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Time for some Q&A:

@MarcoGr let’s see if we can find the culprit… with support of info from the following topic

  • When starting the inclusion, you select the Aqara app and then the vibration sensor and will see the specific inclusion instructions for this sensor; right? For me it is unclear if you have seen the next screen “adding device”, indicating that there has been communication between the sensor and Homey, or only saw the “time out” screen, indicating that no communication existed between both of them?

In general:

  • Do you have any other Zigbee devices connected to Homey and do the work correctly (not showing red triangles / spinning circles)?
    • It might be that the Zigbee chip of Homey has not initialized properly; which can be checked by going to the developers page: Homey Developer Tools and checking if the other Zigbee devices are shown
  • If you have more Zigbee devices that are connected to Homey (that are working), how many are routers and how many endpoints does the network consist of?
    • The Zigbee network (PAN) can be full if more then 20 endpoints exist per (active) router. Unfortunately Homey does not report this back during inclusion. The inclusion window will time out, without active error message back.


So when controlling the second switch from the Homey UI, the trigger flowcard does not trigger a flow? That could be a bug… the flow card trigger is only triggered when receiving an update from the device (with changed state); not directly when the state is changed by the UI.

BUT the device will report the new state a few seconds afterwards; doesn’t it?

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