Alarm after some time

Hi all,
I would like to set an alarm if a door is open for some time.
I have a sensor on the door, but I don’t want to trigger it whe the door is open, but only if it is open after 1 min.
the door sensor is the tuya zigbee sensor. the following are the only options i get for the sensor :frowning:

You must use the Countdown app.
Opening the door starts a 60-second countdown timer in the first flow.
The 2nd flow is triggered when the timer has expired. It checks as an “and-condition” whether the door is still open and then sounds the alarm.

The “contact alarm” of a door/window sensor (hardware) is always triggered immediately as soon as a window or a door is opened or closed. That’s just how a door/window sensor works. So it’s not possible to delay this “contact alarm” on the device side.

If you want something to be done 1 minute after the door is opened (e.g. a notification or an “real” alarm signal or whatever), then you have to create a flow for it and add a delay, e.g. with the Countdown app that @Undertaker already mentioned.

I was thinking about something that could check that that doorsensor is active for 1 min no-stop.
If I put a countdown for 1 min is not what I want. Beacuse the door could be open in the time0 and the time0+1m but close in the rest of the time…
Hope do be clear what I mean

I guess I understand you. So the basic flow is what @Undertaker already wrote, but a third flow is needed.

(Sorry, only in German language)

So if the door is closed within the 1 minute, the timer will be stopped and no action will be started.

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This is also a nice, simple and clean trigger card:

This will trigger the flow, when contact “deur badkamer” is open for 1 minute

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Danke sehr :wink: , this is a good solution to what I was looking for!

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Hi Peter. I have a similar question. I have Zooz window sensors. I am trying to use Heimdall as an alarm. I like my air conditioning to turn off if a window or door is left open for 10 minutes or more. If i just use zooz devices it seems like i have to write a flow for each window or door. I can’t figure out how to do it using Heimdall (yet). I am still new at this and figuring things out. Seems like I should be able to write 1 flow for any window or door left open. Any suggestions? thanks

Hi John and Jacque,

Here’s a flow, and a device
With the ‘one or more’ windows/doors are open’ and ‘all windows/doors are closed’ status, you can trigger flows for your airco unit!

When you rather use Heimdall,
For Heimdall there’s extensive examples in the app topic:

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Thank you so much for your response. I have been in Heimdall but I just can’t seem to get the right cards to make things work …yet. I have been reading the thread you posted, there are just so many comments to go through. I still have a little time before my new home is finished and I get all my devices installed so plenty of time to learn more. Thanks again!


When you follow the first link, you should only get to view the post my idea is about, the topic itself is full of other shared flows & ideas