After updating to new homey app, where can i set the timers for countdown app?

I cant find where i need to go to edit and set and add my timers

Goto homey settings, than down there is settings , click on it.
Then you see all homey settings-types, scroll down, there are the apps with settings.

Ohhh i missed it

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Think the app settings are hidden to much in new app

App settings are available @ as well for a while.
Hit the cogwheel at the bottom of the column on the left.

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They are also still on the original place: go to Apps, select an app with settings, hit the cog in the right top, then the 3th line from the top, just like it used to. Only, it’s less obvious.

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Hi Arie

Yes i am aware where they are but now it takes more steps ( hence my “more hidden” remark )

Example chronograph

The old way i went to the app and then to app settings and i could see my timers

Now as an extra step i go to click the wheel ( that usually means settings in apps ) … and then Again to settings to come to the same screen.

Yeah indeed, it does take another extra step. It would be nice if app settings was available from each device-settings as a shortcut.
You know, hit the cog of a device and then press app-settings. That what make “life” much easier.