A (Homey) Script to find Any Items (Devices, Zones, Apps, Variables) in any flow

Here is a script that you can use to find any Variables, Devices, Zones or Apps in any Flow or Advanced Flow.

This will be included into the Device Capabilities App and explanations for the flowcards will be placed on [APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices - Apps - Homey Community Forum.

This topic can be used for the below script.
You can use it in many ways, see the top of the script for examples.

The Find Objects in Flows Script

/// -- The Find Objects in Flows Script --
/// Search for objects in flows and advanced flows.
/// Created by Arie J. Godschalk
/// Creation date: 2022-10-05
/// Version 1.0.1
/// Script to find objects (Variables, Devices, Zones, Apps)  within Flows and AFs.

/// Define defaults
const _now = Date.now();
let _last = _now;
const time = (str)=> {
  log(str.padEnd(50, " ") + ' - Duration: ' + (Date.now()-_last)+ ', Total: ' + (Date.now()-_now));
  _last = Date.now();
//return await FindObject('variables');
//return await FindObject('devices');
//return await FindObject('zones');
//return await FindObject('apps');

//return await FindObject('variables', 'test');
//return await FindObject('variables', 'c31ecacc-26fe-448e-ab00-d109618c8382');
//return await FindObject('devices', [{id:'f6ef2b6f-e3f2-4ecf-a205-4f919a7a6d3f'}, {name:'Test AVD'}, {name:'Light SwitCH'} ]);
//return await FindObject('zones', 'Hal*'); //Use astrix at the end means it tries to find the start of the name
return await FindObject('apps', 'Device Cap*');

async function FindObject(type, toFind) {

  let preType;
  let objectsToFind;
  if(toFind) {
    if(!_.isArray(toFind)) toFind = [toFind];
    for(let i=0;i<toFind.length;i++) {
      if(typeof(toFind[i])=='string') {
        if(type!=='apps' && /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/gm.test(toFind[i])) toFind[i] = {id:toFind[i]};
        else  toFind[i] = {name:toFind[i]};
      if(toFind[i].name && toFind[i].name.endsWith('*')) {
        toFind[i].startsWith = true;
        toFind[i].name = toFind[i].name.substring(0,toFind[i].name.length-1);
  //return toFind;
  time('ObjectToFind Collect - Start');
  switch(type.toLowerCase()) {
    case 'variables':
      preType = 'homey:manager:logic|';
      objectsToFind = await Homey.logic.getVariables();
    case 'devices':
      preType = 'homey:device:';
      objectsToFind = await Homey.devices.getDevices();
    case 'zones':
      preType = 'homey:zone:';
      objectsToFind = await Homey.zones.getZones();
    case 'apps':
      preType = 'homey:app:';
      objectsToFind = await Homey.apps.getApps();
  time('ObjectToFind Collect - Finish');

  time('ObjectToFind Filter - Start');

if(toFind) objectsToFind = _.pickBy(objectsToFind, o=> !!_.find(toFind, find=>
    (!find.id || o.id===find.id) && 
    (!find.name || (find.startsWith ? o.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(find.name.toLowerCase()) : o.name.toLowerCase()===find.name.toLowerCase()))));
  time('ObjectToFind Filter - Finish');
  //let type = 'Variables'
  time('Get Flows - Start');
  let flows = await Homey.flow.getFlows();
  time('Get Flows - Finish');

  //flows = _.filter(flows, f=>f.name==='FIND VARIABLES');
  time('Get Advanced Flows - Start');
  let afs = await Homey.flow.getAdvancedFlows();
  time('Get Advanced Flows - Finish');

  let cardTypes = ['trigger', 'condition', 'action'];

  let objectsFound = {};

  let containsId = (str, id, preFixed)=> typeof(str)==='string' ? (str.indexOf(preFixed? (preFixed===2?'[[':'')+preType+id : id)>-1) : null;
  let containsIds = (str, preFixed)=> containsId(str, objectsToFind, preFixed);

  let addToFound = (flow, cardType, obj) => {
    if(!objectsFound[obj.id]) objectsFound[obj.id] = {id:obj.id, name:obj.name, flows:{}}
    if(!objectsFound[obj.id].flows[flow.id]) objectsFound[obj.id].flows[flow.id] = {id:flow.id, name:flow.name, enabled:flow.enabled};
    if(!objectsFound[obj.id].flows[flow.id][cardType+'s']) {
      objectsFound[obj.id].flows[flow.id][cardType+'s'] = true;//{found:true};

  time('Remap Flows - Start');
  flows = _.map(flows,f=>{let rFlow = {
    for(let i=0;i<cardTypes.length;i++) {
      let cardType = cardTypes[i];
      let c = f[cardType] ? [f[cardType]] : f[cardType+'s'];
      if(c) rFlow[cardType+'s'] = _.map(c, x=>{
        var r= {
          args:_.filter(x.args, arg=> arg && 
          (typeof(arg)==='string' && arg.indexOf('[['+preType)>-1) ||
        if(!Object.keys(r.args).length) delete r.args;
        if(x.droptoken && x.droptoken.indexOf(preType)>-1) r.droptoken = x.droptoken;
        return r;
    return rFlow;
  time('Remap Flows - Finish');

  time('Remap Advanced Flows - Start');
  afs = _.map(afs,f=>{let rFlow = {
    for(let i=0;i<cardTypes.length;i++) {
      let cardType = cardTypes[i];
      rFlow[cardType+'s'] = _.map(_.filter(f.cards, c=>c.type===cardType), x=>{
        var r= {
          args:_.filter(x.args, arg=> arg && 
          (typeof(arg)==='string' && arg.indexOf('[['+preType)>-1) ||
        if(!Object.keys(r.args).length) delete r.args;
        if(x.droptoken && x.droptoken.indexOf(preType)>-1) r.droptoken = x.droptoken;
        return r;
    return rFlow;

  time('Remap Advanced Flows - Finish');

  time('Combining Flows and Advanced Flows - Start');
  flows = _.union(flows, afs);
  time('Combining Flows and Advanced Flows - Finish');

  time('Search Objects - Start');
  for(let objID in objectsToFind) {
    let obj = objectsToFind[objID];
    for (let iFlow=0;iFlow<flows.length;iFlow++) {
      let flow = flows[iFlow];
      for(let iCardType=0;iCardType<cardTypes.length;iCardType++) {
          let cardType = cardTypes[iCardType];
            for(let iCards=0;iCards<flow[cardType+'s'].length;iCards++) {
              let card = flow[cardType+'s'][iCards];
              if(containsId(card.droptoken, obj.id, 1)) addToFound(flow, cardType, obj);
              if(containsId(card.ownerUri, obj.id, 1)) addToFound(flow, cardType, obj);

              if(card.args) _.each(card.args, arg=> {
                switch (typeof(arg)) {
                  case 'string':
                  if(containsId(arg, obj.id, 2)) addToFound(flow, cardType, obj);
                  case 'object':
                    for(let o in arg) {
                      if(containsId(arg[o], obj.id)) addToFound(flow, cardType, obj);
  time('Search Objects - Finish');

  return objectsFound;


Is it possible to print the name of the flow, or will we have to run the script again with the identifier?

How do you mean that?
The flow names are in it already.

Sorry. My bad - I was too quick :slight_smile: Works really nice, and good to be able to select what to search for :+1:


The flowcard with example

1 Like

Would it be possible to add an option to this script to find any flows which contain a “Start Flow” action card to start another flow with the specified name? Preferably including the Start Flow with text/number/yesno/picture action cards.
Something like return await FindObject(‘flows’, ‘Ring Doorbell’); which then retuns a list of all flows which contain a Start Flow “Ring Doorbell” action card.