Creating shortcut buttons for Homey through Tasker by Android
This tutorial will explain how to create shortcut buttons in Android using Tasker for Android. These buttons can be placed on your Homescreen and trigger any flow you want. In the future this functionality will probably be part of the Homey Android app but for now you can use this tutorial.
- A working Homey
- An Android smartphone with Tasker installed
- A Tasker plugin called RESTask installed which enables an extra plugin in Tasker
- The external URL to your Homey (it looks something like this and can be found by going to and login to your Homey from outside your own network)
- Your bearer token (can be found by going to and inspect the URL linked to the Homey icon. The url contains a parameter called bearer_token which is the token you need to have)
- BetterLogic app installed and a variable created that you want to update
Create “Set variable x” task
Add a new task in Tasker called something like “Set variable x”. Create a new action within the task and select the RESTask plugin (it’s under the plugins category). Click on the configuration button and use the following settings for configuring the RESTask action where you replace the tags with your own external URL and bearer token.
Settings Tab of new RESTask action
- Request Type: PUT
- Host: (where VARIABLE is the name of your BetterLogic variable and VALUE is the value you want this Tasker action to set it to. From BetterLogic v0.9.0 and higher you can also use toggle as value for booleans which will flip the boolean when called)
Header Tab of new RESTask action (needed from BetterLogic v0.9.0 and higher)
- Add new header with name “Authorization” and value “Bearer <<token>>” (without the quotes and replace <<token>> with your token and leave a space between the word Bearer and your actual token)
Create a shortcut on a Homescreen which sets the variable
Go to one of your Homescreens and start the “Add a shortcut” wizard (most likely by long pressing on your Homescreen and selecting the right option). In the list for adding a shortcut select Task Shortcut with the Tasker logo. In the next list select the task you have just created. Note: you might have to add a task icon to the task before being able to set it as a shortcut by selecting the icon at the bottom right and setting an icon.
Once done you now have a button on your Homescreen which will set the BetterLogic variable to it’s desired value. Based on the change of this variable to a specific value you can trigger any flow within Homey!