[APP][Pro] Weather from Yr.no

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast from Yr.no

Link to app store.


  • Install the Yr device. The default location will be the location of the Homey.
  • Go to settings to set the Period (now, +1 hour, +2 hours, etc…)
  • If necessary the location can be updated (longitude, latitude). The altitude will be set automatically, and can be fine-tuned afterwards.

Yr.no license:

This app uses weather data from Yr.no. See the license here: Licensing and Data Policy - Yr

The app is not created or endorsed in any way by Yr.no.

Release Notes:


  • Added sunrise and sunset
  • Support for textual forecast for Norway, for advanced flow


  • Fix issue if ‘Altitude’ has decimals


  • New conditions for UV for next hours and a period


  • New conditions for the weather situation for next hours and a period
  • New conditions for checking rain (mm/h) for next hours and a period
  • Fixed smaller issues


  • Adjustments for app store


  • Set the ID for Homey community


  • Initial release

Supert! Takk for denne :blush:


Great initiative! I use the OpenWeather current and forecast app, but had some issues with current rain not being reported in this local region. It was fixed but it is now not raining here for months so I cant test :slight_smile:

However, I am testing now with YR.no. and for fun comparing Temperature between YR and both OW and my phone weather app. OWM is consistent with phone weather, but YR.no (“Now”) is not. See attached comparison.

I copied the exact coordinations and played with various altitudes, but could not improve the result. I also played with forecast+1 and +2. Any idea?

You can check the Yr app with it’s source from this link: https://www.yr.no/

They have great support. Here is their answer. Interesting how this works.

Yr forecasts.

Being a national service for Norway our main priorities are Norway, the Arctic region and the other Nordic countries. For these areas we use high resolution models (2.5 km) for short term forecasts and EC ensemble forecasts for medium range. We also do extensive post-processing/statistical corrections of the model output for these areas. This is being funded by the Norwegian government. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to do this for the rest of the world.

For the rest of the world:

We use the EC-HRES model from ECMWF. It is described here:
Atmospheric Model high resolution 10-day forecast | ECMWF
This is the leading global weather forecasting model. However, the resolution of this model is currently 10 km (weather is calculated at points approx 10km apart). For areas with complex topography or intricate coastline many features are therefore not very well resolved. These weaknesses and limitations are both dependent on weather situations and where in the world they occur.

Temperature on Yr isn`t possible to change.



is it possible to have a french translation.
If you wish, I can do it for you if you provide me with the files to be translated.


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If you wish you can create a pull request ?
Here’s a link to the source: GitHub - balmli/no.yr: Yr app for Athom Homey

ok, I’m taking care of it

So far just English and Norwegian is supported, and I haven’t had time to create a document prepared for translations.

Huge thanks for this!
Since I use the weather forecast as text to be spoken in my Sonos speakers, I’d like to have the weater in swedish.

Can I help you translate this in some way? Or can I do that in my own setup here?

Weather forecast as text from yr.no is only supported for Norwegian land and sea areas, ref. Textforecast

The sun data are to long to be read.

Any chance of getting pollen forecast from YR?

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Don’t think Yr provides that, but you can check the documentation here:

If i want so get the sum of rain in the next time i get a error:

Unfortunately not getting it to work. It shows up in Apps, but unable to add any actions to any flows… any pointers on how this can be resolved?



The wind speed and Gust is in km/h in the app, i guess it should be m/s.

In the Norwegian translation, Wind speed and Wind gust both becomes “vindstyrke”, it should have been translated differently.


I can confirm this error too. Homey Pro (Early 2023), version: 10.0.0-rc.122. YR-APP v.1.2.1

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@schmucke @Marius_Stensrod Thanks for reporting bugs. It should be fixed in v.1.2.2.

Here is a link to test-version v. 1.2.2:

@Marius_Stensrod The “vindstyrke” translation is the same as Athom uses, ref. Tutorial: Device Capabilities - Homey Apps SDK v3

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Hey I am finding several taggs with the same names in the Yr units, what is the difference.