[APP][Pro] TomTom EV Service

TomTom EV Service - Real-time charging station availability

With this app you can add a Charging Station to your Homey.
For example a public charging station near your Home.
You’ll get availability insights in your Homey.

Useful links

Current features:

  • Get Charging Stations
  • Get availability
  • Get Occupied

Supported Languages:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch

If you appreciate this app, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution
or buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me

image ko-fiimage

:computer: Apps made by @martijnpoppen

See for more apps link below :point_down:t2: or just open the pull down.



Live version and Test version

Changelog can be viewed on the app page.

To do:

  • Currently no items

Known Issues:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Obtaining an free API key:

TomTom is so nice to give 2500 free requests per day!
All you have to do is obtain a Free API Key (no creditcard required)

1. Register your account at Register | User account | TomTom Developer Portal
2. Activate your email account by clicking the activation link in you inbox
3. Then go to you dashboard or click: Login | User account | TomTom Developer Portal | Maps APIs and SDKs for Location Applications
4. And copy your API Key (the text in red):

Q2: Adding a Charging Station

  • When adding an new charging station, paste in the API key from step 4 and press Login
  • Type in the name or street of you desired charging station and press Search
  • Select the changing station you were looking for and press Next
  • Select your connection type (or select all)
  • Click next
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New app update (live: 1.1.2):

1. NEW: App release

@matrover We’re live :smiley:

And thanks to @matrover for the app request :smiley: :tada:

Yes! :tada:

Thank you for making this app! Very much appreciated! :open_hands:
Donated a few beers :beers:

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Thank you for the beers and the great app idea! Really appreciated :smiley:

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Thanks for this awesome app!

I do have one question though: almost everyday I receive a notification from TomTom where it says I reached the Free Requests Limit. Is there any way to solve this?

Hey @daniel3
Hmm then you reach the 50.000 requests per day. :thinking:
How many EV points did you set up?

You can set the update interval per EV point. (In the device settings.)
Default interval is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

So that’s 288 requests per day.

Can you check this page: https://developer.tomtom.com/user/me/apps/activity

So I was checking the tomtom dev docs.
Seems like there are 2 types of API requests.


The charging availability is the non-tile request. So we have 2500 requests per day available.
If you want more request you could consider a extra account with a different API key. As you can set the API key per charging point in Homey.

FYI @matrover

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I have 4 EV points in my Homey, each of them having 2 charging options. But apparently it seems I edited the update interval to 120 seconds. That’s why I got the request limit. I changed the update interval to 300 seconds, so I think it will be fixed now. Thanks for the help :smile:!

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New app update (live: 1.1.3):

1. FIX: search api - ev box couldn’t be found

@matrover adding a new ev box is working again.
TomTom made a change in the API

Hi @martijnpoppen,

Great app!

One Q though: the ‘availability’ trigger is a true/false trigger. If the charge point has 10 outlets, it is only triggered from 9->10 (false) and 10>9 (true).

I would be interested in a availability_count_changed triggers. This would reduce the amount of flows I currently have.

I do understand the reasoning behind true/false.
But I am personally more interested in this app if it provides a change in the available outlets count.

It would also be good if a variable could be set/initialized which reflects the total amount of ports.
It would also be good if the name of the EV charger device is available as a parameter.
Maybe a configurable ‘label’ variable can be set by the user when installing a new EV Charger device? But only if Homey does not have already a feature to use the name of the device in a flow. Not sure. Have not investigated yet…

This way I can use a single flow
WHEN [available_outlet_count IS CHANGED)
THEN Simplelog "Available ports changed for [charger_label]: [available]/[total_ports] ports.

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Hey @RogerSt
I like the Idea.
Will implement and let you know :slight_smile:

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New app update (test: 1.2.0):

1. NEW: add amount changed trigger flowcard

@RogerSt added the flowcard. Can you give it a try?

Also these tokens are included in the trigger card:

(Sorry in dutch :see_no_evil: )

How do I install from the test channel?

@RogerSt Go to this link and hit install

testing… will keep you posted
and thanks!