I have 2 ussues under “https://flow.homey.app/” it say i dont have any homey, when using my app it say i do. Its a homey pro uppdated if that helps.
Second issue is the connection to alexa. i cant seam to get it to work alexa wont discover it or send commands to it. the skill is enabled and accounds linked. ( yes when loging in thrue the app i have it on my account)
Open to sugestions, have made a reset on it aswell.
Did you (correctly) log on at flow.home.app with the correct userid? If you changed the user while upgrading to the Pro version you have to logoff and logon with the new userid.
If that is the case, check Alexa too.
Did a little edit on the topic title to make it more useful for people using the search option. 
i just have a Homey Pro, i havent uppgraded.
Alexa app say the accounts are linked and the homey shows up there. When i login using the homey credentials.
And i can use it from my phone using the app.
I have done a new installation on the same account and have the same issues.
Will try different computers this weekend. So far i have just tested using 2 of them and get the " You have no Homeys."