Any news for device updating? Andrea can you share at me the repository? I can try to add some devices. Thankyou
@Andrea_Alberti sorry for bothering, i’ve installed Your app and i’m using it with Vimar shutters. Wrong percentage on Just one device (100% with shutter all down while others 0%. Any clue ?
Ciao Andrea scusami il disturbo. Uso la tua app per comandare le tapparelle con il frutto Vimar. Una unica tapparella mi segna percentuale 100% a tapparella giù mentre le altre segnano correttamente 0%. Cosa potrebbe essere ? Grazie in anticipo
Hi @Rick_znd,
have you tried to invert upside down the Vimar control shutter?
may be that is the problem.
Andrea A.
Ciao Alberto,
scusa per la tarda risposta,
per caso sei riuscito a risolvere il problema?
la calibrazione va fatta con la procedura di vimar che ti riporto dal foglio illustrativo.
Andrea A.
Ciao Andrea, scusami per la risposta tarda. Ho verificato che in sostanza quando il movimento delle tapparelle viene comandato da Alexa questo falsa il valore della percentuale rilevato dalla app. È come se tra il rilevamento della % dato dalla pressione dei pulsanti e quello che viene riconosciuto con movimento chiamato da Alexa non ci fosse sincrono. Quindi in concreto poi i flow non si avviano più correttamente dato che la variazione non è distinguibile .
Sorry for late response. It’s a problem with Alexa activation, when The command is triggered by Voice request with Alexa the percentage is set differently from the button press and the flows are not triggered in the right way
Ciao @Rick_znd devo rivedere il codice e verificare che i valori vengano correttamente aggiornati quando si usano i pulsanti manualmente.
mi servirà un pò di tempo per sviluppare questa cosa…
Fammi sapere se posso aiutarti in qualche modo con i test
Please let me know if i can help with tests
@Rick_znd @Andrea_Alberti @Alberto_Paludetti
English please.
Grazie! Appena ho un momento provo tanto erano le tende da sole quindi mi andava bene averle 0% o 100%. Adesso ho l’elettricista che sta tirando i fili dell’abitazione, entro fine mese dovrei avere l’impianto pronto e provo a configurare tutto bene.
Thanks! As soon as I have a moment I’ll try it, they were the awnings so it was fine for me to have them 0% or 100%. Now I have the electrician who is pulling the wires of the house, by the end of the month I should have the system ready and I’ll try to configure everything well.
Hello! I am writing here because I am very interested in switching to a Homey Pro as the central hub to control my various smart home devices, including several ‘Vimar connected’ modules.
Currently, I have installed these three types:
- Dimmer connesso 19595
- Relè connesso 03981
- Deviatore connesso 16492
At the moment, they are all connected to an Amazon Echo Plus in Zigbee mode, and I was wondering if anyone is developing support for these modules through this app, or if you know whether they would work if connected directly without the app via Zigbee to the Homey pro.
Thank you!
Hi @Klomar
at the moment I have not develop the app for this device because I don’t have it at home.
may be in the future i’ll write the code to support the module.
Hi Alberto, nice to meet you! I’m Gabriele (I believe I’m Italian, like you). I’m new to Homey, and we recently got a Homey Pro. At home, I have the Vimar View Wireless system with the Linea series, and I wanted to understand how I can use your app with it. Thank you so much!
Hi Gabriele,
I’m italian as well but I don’t have the Linea series at home but if you can you can send to me the details of some devices and I can try to write the code for your smart plug.
follow this guide to send to me the devide details.
and select Device Request - [Device name] - [manufacturerName] / [modelId]
Andrea A.
Wow, very kind of you. I’ve added the information you asked for in the GitHub link. If you need to know the model we have installed for each switch controlling a light point, it’s the Vimar 30802. As for the gateway, it’s the 30807.G
Very good Andrea!
Can you add the vimar 14593, its a socket with onoff and measure_power capabilities (maybe the measure_power need to correct with conversion)
Edit: created a issue request