Vimar view wireless

Hi at all. I’m new here and I’m thinking about to buy this hub since it seems to be the perfect hub since it integrates almost everything. But before to buy it I need to know if there is the app for the zigbbe series by vimar. It’s not the friends of hue but the connected series. Actually I’m using it on smartthings hub and it works grate with a generic integration as a zigbee switch. It’s very important since I use these switches for all my lights.

Buongiorno, non c’è un applicazione specifica per Vimar, se la serie che usi è quella Zigbee probabilmente i frutti verranno visti come interruttori generici ma non avendo nessun frutto Vimar Zigbee non posso confermartelo.

Hello, there is no specific application for Vimar, if the series you use is the Zigbee one, the devices will probably be seen as generic switches, I don’t have any Vimar Zigbee devices so I can’t confirm it.

Just tried and Zigbee with Vimar 14594 does not work. It is recognized as generic, but if I use the switch the app only shows an error message. I also ordered a Vimar 14592, but not yet tested.

Hi everyone,
there is someone that have tested VIMAR zigbee devices?
I saw an online video that say it works as generic device on smart things hub.

Hi to all
I’ve develop an app for manage this Vimar products:
vimar 14594
vimar 14592
please test it and let me know if you have any issue.

Hi @Andrea_Alberti , is it possible that you link your source code for the homey app as I would really like to extend it with more Vimar products :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi There,
if you want I can share my github repo.
and if you want I think I can share even my project on
Send me a PM to let me know if you are interested.

Andrea A.

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Hi @Andrea_Alberti , awesome I am interested.
Unfortunately as I am a new user I can’t send a PM to anyone, maybe you can send one to me :sweat_smile:.
Here is my GitHub profile: (mario-jerkovic (Mario Jerkovic) · GitHub)

can you add zigbee thermostat if you expand vimar view wireless app? :slight_smile:

Any news on this?

Hello @Andrea_Alberti ,
I have just installed your app and it works fine, the only missing point is that the homey don’t recognise it as a light but a generic device.

There is a way to change configuration to light and import in Alexa?

Thank a lot for your great work!


Hello @Alberto_Gobbetti
can you send to me a PM with a few images than I can decode the error?


Hi Andrea, I’m using your Vimar app to control Vimar switches and it works. Can you add the thermostat? I don’t need all options, only ON/OFF becouse at the moment it is recognised by Homey as a switch but give an error when trying to toggle. I have also blind controls 03982 and internal switche actuators 03981 of Vimar and looging forward to connect them in Homey. Thank you.

difficult, he told me that he only included the products he purchased :smiling_face_with_tear:

is there a way to make a crowfunding to develop vimar view via gateway (not in zigbee) app for Homey Pro?

Hi @Andrea_Alberti, I would also like to extend the app to other devices since my home is 100% vimar.
Could you please share the github so i can make some commits?

Thank you so much

Ciao Alessandro,
ti ho esteso il repository su github.
fammi sapere quando fai delle modifiche che poi le carico come aggiornamenti su HOMEY.


Hi @diapolon & @dhjk,
I’m a home made developer and as Diapolon say I can only develop devices I can afford.
When I’ll expand my Vimar zigbee Device i’ll put on homey Pro.
Thanks for the support,

@Andrea_Alberti @Alessandro_Craciun Ciao, sono italiana anche io, se vi serve aiuto fatemi sapere, anche solo per fare i test.

@Andrea_Alberti Ho appena installato due comandi per tapparelle (collegati però a delle tende da sole). Posso alzarle/abbassarle ma non posso fermarle ad una certa percentuale. E’ possibile fare una calibrazione? Tra l’altro i comandi sono contrari (in alto abbassa le tende) e speravo di poter invertire il funzionamento via software. Dato che a breve devo installare i comandi per tutte le tapparelle a casa volevo essere sicuro che funzionassero prima di comprarli. Grazie!