Unable to add POPP Smoke Detector with controllable Siren V1.2 (701486) to Homey Pro early 2023

Have seen this also, but after several times pressing the ‘Test’, the device became unreachable and I could remove it.

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Update to RC 118 has successfully been performed, but still unable to add POPP Smoke Detectors. I get the same error.

Also no answer from Athom yet (support ticket submitted 19/06/2023). Guess I’ll wait :slightly_smiling_face:

And again a same day reply from POPP Support :+1:t3:

Hi Bas,

Unfortunately I can confirm this.

I have also removed the POPP APP and tried to add the device as a generic device without it. Unfortunately, the same error occurs.

I will try again contact Homey, so that this is solved as soon as possible.

Best regards

RC 122 didn’t fix it either, still waiting for a response from Athom…

Received a reply from Athom today:

Hi Bas‍,

Thank you for reaching out to our support and for reporting this issue. Our apologies for the inconvenience!

This issue has already been reported by other users and Development is working hard to fix this issue. I can’t give any guarantees on when this issue will be found and resolved, but please know that it has been forwarded to our development team and it will be investigated.

We hope to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Thanks again for your input, we appreciate it!

Please note there was no fix for this in rc.110 :wink:
Best regards
— Athom Support

So if there’s anyone else with this specific problem, keep an eye on the patch notes till it’s fixed

Unfortunately rc133 doesn’t offer a solution yet.

10.0.1 and 10.0.2 both don’t work yet… this is getting annoying now

Neither does 10.0.3

An interim solution has been provided by POPP that works for me on 10.0.3.

When starting the inclusion process, press and hold the button for 3 seconds, instead of the 1 second that is displayed on the Homey app. This will almost immediately add the smoke alarm.


In case someone has trouble doing inclusion even when pressing button for 3 seconds, and you had Marco Ruiters app in old Homey like i had, and set up new Homey from backup, then you may need to do exclusion first.

Exclusion instructions in Popp manual https://manual.zwave.eu/backend/make.php?lang=en&sku=POPE701486 are a bit misleading:

  1. press the button on the circuit board once
  2. An acoustic tone confirms a successful exclusion.

What seems to be missing is “and keep the button pressed” until sound is heard.

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Thank you very much @Basov for providing this workaround! I was now able to add my POPP device to my Homey Pro (Early 2023).

I also recently bought an POPP Smoke Detector POPE701486 (version V1.2). I had the same issue when adding the device to my Homey Pro (Early 2023) with version 11.0.0 (and POPP App version 3.2.9). The Z-wave inclusion failed in the same way as described by @Basov .
During inclusion pressing 3 seconds instead of the described 1 second made it work.

I have read all the previous messages in this thread, i am surprised that after nearly a year Homey development still was not able to fix this bug… Annoying (i lost quite some time before i found this workaround).

Thank all, great help!