October 23, 2019, 5:52pm
Heb je dit al geprobeerd?
Download Node https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.16.2/node-v10.16.2-x64.msi
En open daarna met admin rechten node.js command prompt
Volg daarna deze stappen.
## Linking a Tuya Device
1. Add any devices you want to use with `tuyapi` to the Tuya Smart app.
2. Install the CLI tool by running `npm i @tuyapi/cli -g`. If it returns an error, you may need to prefix the command with `sudo`. (Tip: using `sudo` to install global packages is not considered best practice. See [this NPM article](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions) for some help.)
3. Run `tuya-cli list-app`. It will print out a QR code; scan it with your phone and install the root certificate. After installation, [trust the installed root certificate](https://support.apple.com/en-nz/HT204477).
4. [Configure the proxy](http://www.iphonehacks.com/2017/02/how-to-configure-use-proxy-iphone-ipad.html) on your phone with the parameters provided in the console.
5. Enable full trust of certificate by going to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings
6. Open Tuya Smart and refresh the list of devices by "pulling down".
7. A list of ID and key pairs should appear in the console.
8. It's recommended to untrust the root certificate after you're done for security reasons.
Kijk anders hier ook is, [APP]TuyAPI / Neo Coolcam wall plug WIFI app iets naar beneden scrollen naar het stukje van harryd met behulp van zijn stukje en de link is het mij ook gelukt.