Sure, Here is the report id: 2490758d-578f-4ecc-99ef-173c22ef580c
I found the bug. Sorry for the inconvenience. I have just released a new version. Can you please install v2.0.3 and let me know how it goes
Awesome! Thank you. It is working now
I have the same problem again (I havn’t changed the setup since you did the bug fix). I can’t see the current event that is ongoing.
I’m guessing you don’t mean the event in the list, since that isn’t ongoing yet
I’ll need a diagnostics report again.
Can you do the same as last time:
- Lower the import limit to 1 week
- Activate log all events
- Restart the app
- After a minute or two send a diagnostics report
Thank you. Yes, the one Event you see here is not the ongoing event. I can not see the ongoing event
Here is the diagnostic report: a3520e1a-775c-43de-a899-0585b5d6d6bf
I believe i found the bug. I’ve added the bugfix to v2.3.0.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [APP][Pro] IcalCalendar