Trashcan Reminder future dates

I don not use a blue container. Can Iremove it in the widget?

What do you mean exactly? If paper isn’t collected in your area it doesn’t show in the widget. If it is collected, but you don’t have a paper bin it will show in the widget. There is currently no option to turn a certain type on or off.


I do not use the paper bin. Th widget loads very slowly by the way.

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So I have tried to make a better version to suit most needs. This does mean that there are a lot of extra settings you can do in the widget now :slight_smile:

  1. You can choose if you want to disable certain types (thanks @Ria_Banis for the feedback!)
  2. You can choose if you want to show only unique types or just the most recent collected items
  3. You can choose if you want to show what is collected yesterday
  4. You can choose your layout style (compact or large). Where large is the original and compact is more in the style of how Moods are displayed. I think the compact is more suitable for phones, whilst the large might be better on tablets or larger screens.

Really looking for the feedback and thanks for testing! :slight_smile:

p.s. if someone has a better SVG image for the PMD (or other trash types) I would be open for it. I don’t like the current PMD icon which is kind of an open can. I want it to contain a plastic, metal and drinking carton in the same image, but couldn’t find it anywhere on the web (for free)

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This PMD image could fit.

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Great work. Now I can select the two bins I use.
I get the widget bit if I re open the homey app I get this:

Does it always keep loading? Or only sometimes? It seems it gets stuck in initializing somehow, even before the widget can load…

Yes it keeps loading.