I am rebuilding my ‘normal’ flows in advancedflows. Till now I had my flows organised by floor and room. Somewhere I saw someone make one lighting-flow for his entire home. What argument could help to make a choice? Now I think of make one advanced flow per room (lighting, scenes, sound, etc etc etc) and one for ‘safety’ (including camera’s, doorbell, fire-alarm, co-alarm), one for ‘watering plants’ (in and outside) and one for ‘lighting in traffic-spaces (hall, stairs runways etc)’ and one for ‘energy’ (solar, thermostats). I guess there are different preferences, but what could be smart? And why?
A hint: When my canvas gets too big, it slows my browser down to almost non-responsive.
And all the scrolling up-down left-right and zooming in out gets annoying (to me), while I don’t have a 70" screen here
O.K. Clear! This helps a lot! THANKS (i forgot to click the ‘send’ button three months ago: better late then never…)
So I tend to manage my flows in a couple of ways - you need to understand the basics before getting to advance flows.
I do my flows by room, and further break them up into purpose. Each room has [#scenes] this is basically the outcomes I want from a flow (ie. #dark #bathroom is a flow which turns off all the lights in the bathroom. They are all set to “when flow started”.
I have [!triggers] generally this is the trigger almost always a user trigger, but also any conditions … in the “then” I call a the #scene flow I want.
I also do some other stuff for [@ datetime] [^logs][%variable] - not relevant really to this thread .
Then I’ll have advance flows for a zone - but only when I need an advance flow and one advance flow for each thing I’m trying to accomplish - ie one advance flow for +activity in the lounge.
There are a couple of things I do to make sure that the advance flows are easy to manage.
Each advance flow only is concerned with one outcome (ie managing when the postman comes). All my advance flows utilising the same #scenes as the simply flows. Any logging or debugging is separate set of flows and generally simple flows. So that the can be managed independently.
It means my folder structure looks a little bit like this -
Advance flows sit in the zone folder directly( because I only have 1 or 2 per zone - and they are more complex subject/domain so I want to quickly find them. I might move them into a folder if I start having many of them.
Here is a simplistic room
The advance flow is all about managing the activity for the pantry so that the light is “managed” - and can be pretty complex - including / door contacts / motion sensors /over riding the behaviour by using the switch / managing timers for over riding the behaviour / priority overrides by double clicking the light again with (longer timers) / a manual reset of the system / scheduled catch all resets because - home sometime has issues, like reset any overrides at 4am etc etc) … but it’s all activity for the single zone.
If it needs to managed multiple zones … it sits in the parent zone ie downstairs.
Home → Downstairs → Pantry
I hope this helps
Wow Jamie, great. I organize per room also (and per floor). But till now I use folders only for background flows (familiar to your #scenes folder, I guess). A few flows involve the entire house (like outside lights, secutity and gardenwatering), which works fine for me.
I almost never use the “when the flow started”, by the way: I often use Virtual Devices to start flows (I like the on/of tile). I am experimenting with ‘Device Capabilities’ and ‘Logic’, at the moment, hoping to simplify my flows. But your line of thinking is helpful in keeping overview. Thanks.
I can’t take credit for the scenes / when flow started approach. Not sure where but stole the idea from @FKey at some point. It really helped me build flows which are cleaner and much more robust.
Good luck, everyone has their own way, experiment and you will find something that works for you.