🎙️ The Homey Podcast | Megathread

The podcast was great. Looking forward to the next ones. Very curious what the topics will be.

Question for the podcast, as multiple users have requestes this

Would be nice if we could also have the release date of certain updates, as mentioned at the changelog pages (such as:)

It now only shows firmware version, but not when it was released.

The same for the changlog pages of Homey 2016-2019, -Mobile app, -Bridge, -Cloud and -Webapp

It is good practice to do so, but Athom is one of the few who doesn’t. And what would be a reason not to do so?


@Doekse since the next podcast should be coming up soonish, my question for it:

Homey provides a great platform which encourage developers to add their own integrations and DIY devices (you even yourself talked about your custom door opener). But why is there no support for uncertified Matter devices? Is this some issue with the CSA that you can’t allow that? Why not go the apple way to show a warning, but still allow users to add devices?

Can we have some.more information in the next podcast about what multiple app developers (@johan_bendz, @TedTolboom, etc) have mentioned, but never (really) was clearified or addressed by Athom:

Questions here are not answered, hopefully in the podcast? :wink:

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We just recorded a new episode of the podcast yesterday! It’s currently in the editing phase and should be live later this week or early next week. Stay tuned—it’s going to be an exciting one! :eyes:


Me like! Thx @Doekse
Hopefully some more explanation about the current Zigbee problems as well… :wink:

We didn’t cover that topic in this episode, but we might address it in a future one. As mentioned earlier, we don’t have much to add to the topic at the moment.

But unfortunately the problems continue, @Doekse

New episode is on youtube :tada:

Dashboards are looking really nice, can’t wait to try them out in the future. For those who don’t want to listen to the whole episode:

  • Dashboards are column based
  • Columns can be filled with widgets, with many built in (e.g. insights, iframe, devices, etc.), but apps can also add their own widgets
  • Multiple pages per dashboard (and multiple dashboards)
  • The home screen will also support widget (and kind of act as a dashboard)
  • Possible beta release by the end of the month (for feedback and to give developers time to add widgets)
  • Will be available as DLC to the “old” Homey Pro (2016-2019), with pricing similar to the other DLCs


So, the dashboard is alive :beers:
Nice first version.

Some thoughts:

  1. Efficient use of available space.
    I.e. again a whole part is unused, solely to show the owner’s name, or page name if you will.
    Or is it hideable? Resizable? Scalable?
    I understood we can hide the widgets titles.
  2. As Pro 2019 owner, do I have to purchase the developer/beta dashboard versions when I (and probably many others) would like to help testing and make suggestions?
    (If yes, I’ll pass :rofl:)
  3. The tiles in the fav devices section don’t seem alphabetacally sorted:
    Is drag ‘n’ drop finally possible, or isn’t it auto sorted at all?
  4. Are there plans to make device tile colors user selectable? and what about widget titles?
  5. Does the cam widget actually stream the feed, or does Emile live in a very quiet neighbourhood? :grimacing::wink:
  6. Will it be possible to show the values of app/device tags as well? Often way more interesting than showing variables values only
  7. Are custom widgets going to be possible / on the radar? Like, for PV data: a tile, 4 variables/tags and 1 insights graph
    Or is the idea to use a whole page for this?
  8. Developers are allowed to create their own app widgets… nice, but how many developers would like to actually invest the additional time for it?
    Or is this an assumption in the category “who needs a fax/mobile phone/wireless network/”? :crazy_face:

Looking forward to the Dashboards. Looks great so far.
Just a few questions:

  • Will there be dashboard themes where the whole dashboard will color according to a set theme. Think of a Halloween or Christmas theme.
  • Does the dashboard have a standby mode where only the time or something else is shown (eg for wall mounted tablets)

I saw the podcast and it was great but did i miss if there is a better grouping function or wasn’t there one ?

Dashboard looks very nice!

To maximise the use of available space, I would love to be able to stack multiple widgets on top of each other. Similar to what is available on IOS and Android. Then it will automatically shuffle between the different widget, or we can manually swap between them.

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There’s a reload button on there for a reason :stuck_out_tongue:


As mentioned in the previous episode of the podcast; we are working on adding support for camera streams. For now it’s used for snapshots :wink:


Will the dashboard become part of the Homey app or a separate app?

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And also: will it be cloud-based, or fully local?


Looking forward to add widgets for ny apps.
Currently repair views are used to show some additional data like lists/grids or html overviews.
I assume the same type of pages is used for widgets.
So the next step/question will be:
Can these widget pages be added to a device detail screen? That would be a nice addition to have the same data also on the device itself.
Just as an idea to re-use such widget also in default device view.

Will the dashboard run on tablets that work well, but have older os?

@Doekse and with streams it will probably RTSP? :stuck_out_tongue:
Some manufacturers still have limitations with streaming and need converting first before running a snapshot or stream.

For example the surveillance station app has a take snapshot card. Same as Eufy Security (because it need FFMPEG to take the snapshot)

Would be nice to see if that could somehow work in the dashboard → take snapshot

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