🎙️ The Homey Podcast | Megathread

Said the same thing back with Tuya, but it’s our platform. Not theirs :wink:


Could you also sharw the link for the rss-feed, so I can add the podcast to my podcast app?

Directions for publishing the rss address from Spotify: Your RSS feed - Spotify

Funny, first I read it, I was kind of expecting “podcasts are coming” and not having first one already included :rofl:.

Fantastic stuff, mostly beginning, I like LG myth busters part :+1:t2: and then answering real questions at the end, well done. Even the wear level on the flash memory explanation, nice… as “I know little bit about it” , right :wink:. Would just correct probably the timeline, but anyway…

However I would like to comment on limited LED ring notifications on HP23, despite I have addressed it myself with Text based triggered advanced flow, animation is being interrupted each 10sec and not really so nice it could be and how such nice product / design would deserve :wink:

Is it really so hard to increase duration to longer time like 120sec at minimum (not infinity) instead of saying “we got too many SD calls, because people reported red rings” ?

I guess you can :

  • add PowerUsers option to have unlimited duration / 120 sec etc
  • or keep limiting red color to 10 sec if you wish and keep all others to much longer duration “under the hood”

I’m sure there are more options how to handle that rather.

True is that Red is really not friendly color for HP23, mostly because of memory constraints mostly during backups in combination with limited used CM4 memory but you still shall not forget about PowerUsers anyway.

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Are you guys planning to do an RSS feed of the Podcast? Would love to listen through my regular podcast app.

Great pod!
Two questions:

  • Will there be an official support for Aqara FP2 and or Aqara G4 Doorbell?
  • You said something about LG products coming with Homey? In what way?

I believe via official LG ThinQ integration , hopefully they hire @Martin_Verbeek for that :smiley:


I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but there’s one topic that I believe needs some attention TLC.

Homey often replaces or integrates many smart home with their branded proprietary hubs and solutions. How can we manage all the protocols to avoid collisions or congestion?
My desired solution is to design my network in a way that allows for managing and visualizing the topology of protocols like Zigbee, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth, ensuring a durable and extendable implementation. My house has a lot of concrete and iron, which adds to the challenge.

Additionally, how can we build such networks to achieve the best range and implementation without the need of using actual spectrum analyzers or other next level gear, while still creating a robust network?

Extra bonus complications:
Often, leaving out a proprietary hub’s isn’t ideal, because it can make functionality unnecessarily complex. (And no way to update firmware of there clients) For example, integrating an IKEA remote with SONOS speakers or HUE switches that adjust lighting based on actual outdoor light conditions at your location can quickly become very complex.

And there is the so called WAF, that alway’s prohibits me to overengineer my stuff.

One self retained rule, the wife and kids must be satisfied first, before I can even start thinking of a new solution.

Hope you can come up with a nice topic on this that really grasps the basics for the fundamentals on this.

Car Play integration was covered briefly in the podcast but only one aspect of it. I understand a reluctance to enable the capability to manage devices through CarPlay, but one aspect I would like to see integrated is to have notifications enabled in CarPlay. As soon as my phone is connected to my vehicle notifications (even on my watch) are disabled/quieted. Therefore if I leave my house and leave the gate open I don’t get a visible notification. It would be great if you could nominate certain messages to be sent via CarPlay.

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Have tried contacting support and using the support pages to try to get the tuya app to work, no joy anywhere

What problems do you have?

One thing i had to do at first was to add the first Tuya device in Homey from a computer with “InPrivate” browser.
The captcha they were using didn´t work on my iPhone.

It didn’t work on my Android either, so had to use the Web interface on a pc.

@Doekse, I, and I assume many other users also, would be interested to know whether, and if so, how the Z-Wave problems, including “too much traffic”, were solved with the Homey Pro (early 2023).
It would be nice if this topic could be discussed in one of the next podcasts.

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The captcha worked on my android phone, that process went through to Authorised and “you can now close this window”…unfortunately the message doesn’t get back to Homey, the little grey spiral waiting animation just keeps going.
The support page, get to the bottom and there is a link to take you back to the top. The support email no longer accepts support queries

@Doekse I am excited that there is an official Homey dashboard in the making. Hope it will be as userfriendly and flexible (and better) as Homey itself.
Two wishes:
1. a special dashboard-user per room/floor/space/zone to get different setting per space.
I tried to make simple dashes for “living room” an “office”, but now they both appear as a family-member in the app. And off course I already know that they both are at home.
2. dashboard running on old tablets.
I have 2 older but perfectly working i-pads lying around, that would have been perfect for this. But the Homey app does not work on them (too old os), so my good idea stopped prematurely.

More people who wuld like this?

Well, actually, no. :wink:
I really don’t want to manage user accounts to get dashboards. Homey already works with zones, I would expect to able to link a dashboard to a zone and make that dashboard selectable to my liking on a device to serve the dashboard.

It would be nice to be able to display the dashboard on older devices, but there needs to be a cut off. If the latest and greatest can’t be used due to legacy devices, support for such devices should be dropped.
(I’d rather see the dasboard developed like macOS then Windows :fire::wink:)

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I’m hoping for a web-app, that usually runs on anything

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I tried to use the homey-app on different ipads so that favorit flows and devices would pop up in the specific room. With zones that didn’t work. BUT a dash per dedicated room or zone or specific zone would be ok.

It would be so nice when older ipads or tablets could be used. If a web-app does it, I would be pleased.

Thanks for the podcast episode. Here is some ideas i want you to talk about:

  • Official Zigbee protocol support with generic devices
    I have experienced devices not functioning properly as a Generic Zigbee device. After running an interview with the device, and comparing that to the official docs, they are 100% aligned. But Homey did not interpret or use those properties correctly. Whats your plans here? Do you need to rely on official apps, even for 100% compliant zigbee devices?
    A specific case was a device that sent power usage using Watts, and specified in their zigbee interview that it was in Watts, and what factor to use.

  • Community Forum -
    Did your leave it in the hands of the community, except for your own announcements?
    Reading the forum threads, people are coming up with great ideas, whilst replys says that Athom doesnt monitor the Forum and/or reply. And a ton of threads are just left at the initial question.

  • Developer Advocate
    Are you planning on setting up a developer advocate?
    A person that encourages developers, and brings back their feedback to the team. A person who runs youtube series (yeah, you got some, but they ended abruptly), a person that teaches about zigbee/z-wave/BLE integrations++.

  • More capabilities in flows
    With the range of products your supporting now, and more coming, this needs to get way more customizable.

Lets say you have a doorlock and want to create a code that expires at a certain time
– Trigger a flow, and ask for user input before continuing, Can be either the desired code and/or expiry time.
– Create a scheduled flow. ie. Run Flow/Code/Script with argument X at “expiry time”
Right now, this is left up to third-party devs, who is probably man-handling the CPU/memory to support such a feature. And even they dont support custom arguments, so they rely more on CRON like triggers. “Run Schedule named X every X” and “ON Schedule X start”.

– Mini Apps
Support for creating simple flow apps directly trough HomeyScript / Homey.
A lot of apps on the market doesnt support any devices, they are just logic. Would it be possible to just setup something for yourself and create / trigger flow cards based on this.

– Talk more about the future
Your keeping your cards way to close to your chest. Talk more about whats to come. You talk about goals in a broad picture, but not on how you plan to get there. What can we expect from you that makes us want to stick to your product?
People are investing tons in your product, not just the price of the unit, but also the flexibility, allowing themself to buy devices from different brands, and ignoring the gateways, as they rely on Homey. If Homey disappears, or doesnt offer flexibility or advanced enough features for managing vendor/device specific options and/or the group of such things, then they will need to add another 1-10.000$ just in gateways, or try their luck with Home Assistant.

Hope to see any of this on your podcast.