Tado to Homey Bridge

I was hoping on a connection of Tado thermostat to the Homey Bridge. Is there someone on the forum that has connect his Tado V3 to the Homey Bridge (beta)?

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Both the official tado app and the test version are not available for Homey beta, so your out of luck.

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Thanks Edwin! Had also unlucky with somfy, Apple home and now Tado… :frowning:

The app list grows every week, so maybe, one day… :upside_down_face:

Well, they are working on the test version for tado for months now so I oresumed it was to also support Homey beta, but no. And if they code that with the same speed they do the test version……

I hope so, we wait! Thanks for the message

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I hope Edwin, good to know!

If it’s the Somfy Tahoma app then you can use the test version on Homey:

Thanks Adrian, this app looks great! But not for the sunblind i have, this experimental app is for the somfy account apps.

Thanks anyway!

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We need this app :confused:

Tado for bridge is available since today: tado° | Homey

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