So I was wondering how everyone is sharing and using.
I was thinking about a tablet, but wanted to know what everyone else is using?
We use homey to automise our house. A well automated house doesn t require an interface If you want to use a dashboard then there are options search the forum
For some specific reasons, it’s important that visiting family members and friends are able to use our home automations even though they are not familiar with them day-to-day.
To help them, I’ve developed a simple web page that uses Javascript to allow people to:
- Find out what can be done in each room
- Execute relevant commands by pressing panels in the page
- Get some text help to explain each command
- Where appropriate, find out how to execute those commands using Alexa, or Flic buttons
- Find out some other basic info including how to use the page (for example, I allow people to change the size of text and panels to suit their device)
Visitors can get to the page on their phones using an NFC disc, provided they are connected to our network.
I also provide the page on an Amazon Fire tablet (having removed all the Amazon stuff) using the Fully browser and integrated to Homey using the ‘Micro web server’ app.
Having created the app for visitors I find myself using it from time to time as it can be more convenient than other methods.
It is not, however, a ‘dashboard’ as such. It doesn’t show device statuses. That makes for a simpler interface for visitors, simpler programming, and allows me to tailor the page to meet the specific objectives I have.
I have a dashboard on an Android-tablet with [Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey in combination with Fully Kiosk Browser / Dashboard Controller App voor Homey | Homey
Is it possible to see some screenshots?
For SmartDash you can check the topic in the forum.Some users have posted screenshots.
I like the Dashboards app by Marcus @skogsaas very much.
And there seems to be a nice upgrade on it’s way too!