I have added a few extra temp/humidity devices from Switchbot. However… the data is not synced as fast as I need it to. Sometimes it takes up to an hour to get new measured data from the Switchbot app to the Homey device. I haven’t found a way to improve this process. Does anyone have an idea how to get to near ‘real-time’ data sync?
How have you connected to the devices (hub or BLE)?
Hub. I had BLE, but that had the same result. Should one of those work faster than the other?
Hmm. That should get notifications via a webhook, but I think the values have to change by a certain amount before being reported.
If you don’t mind purchasing an ESP32 and are willing to load code on to it, I have made my BLE hub code available on my GitHub account. That does provide updates to Homey within a second or two.
I don’t mind purchasing an ESP32, but I have no device to put it in
The only extra hardware besides Homey is a Dell Optiplex 3000 thin Client for Home Assistant.
Sorry, do you mean you have no PC / mac to program it?
I have a macbook air, an old iMAC from before 2010 and an even older Windows computer (from before 2005 I think)… So just the MAcbook air that I use daily.
So it’s a no go for me if I need the ESP32?
I think the macbook air will be OK, but I’m not sure about the flash loaded for that as I only know of a Windows tool.
The repo is GitHub - AdyRock/SwitchBotBLEHub: Code for a ESP32, Arduino compatible board to make into to a network local hub for SwichBot BLE devices. and there are some instruction on there.
Basically, when you purchase an ESP32 make sure it has 4MB or more of FLASH. Then connect the ESP32 to your computer via a USB cable to program it. Once it is programmed it just needs a USB power supply, so no need to keep it plugged into your computer. The rest of the instructions are on the GitHub page.
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Hi @Adrian_Rockall thx for this tip. I will implement this possible solution. Will plan some time to get ‘aquainted’ with it all
Looking forward to the experience and maybe get back to you if I hav e any questions. Thx so far! Appreciate your swift responses!!
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