Strange Homey Bridge problem

Hi, Im havning trouble with my Homey Bridge, it suddenly stopped “working” and startet flashing blue.
So I thought I would set it up again as I have done earlier when changing wifi settings.

The issue now is that I get this fault message:

I have no idea how to get around this, I have tried to turn of 5ghz and other things that I have read on this forum. So please, anyone else seen this before?

Maybe next post can help: Homey Bridge blinking blue

Hi, I have done this, deleted the bridge from my Homey, but when I try to add it again I get the fault message I posted in the picture.

I have the same problem.

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maybe an idea to add a translation of the error :slight_smile: Can only read the English part

Searching on the poart I understand: Help with homey bridge

Did you already report it to Athom Support?

It says: Could not connect to the Bridge. A problem occurred when bridge was added to your home.

I have sent an email to them.

Afaik they do not respond to emails, pls goto


They did respond today, they wanted me to try something so ill see if that works then and let you know the result.


tir. 28. mai 2024 kl. 01:24 skrev :netherlands: 2x Homey Pro 2019 Classic via Homey Community Forum <>:

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