Alrighty new version is in testing now. If this is working we are on a good way for releasing a first version of this. Now one can go nots on colors and icons
What is left?
I need some more testing and have people testing it. There are so many aspects of this that its hard to test all combos. If we have a okay version this is a good start. Showing Floor plans, having onoff/dim and sensors working is covering a lot. Some simple popups to show actions etc. Being able to to swap image on off to create effects.
What i would like to do next
Implement color changing devices like HUE/IKEA so you can switch color. Have multiple images handled with one device. maybe change image depending on color would be nice. Temperature devices I think is a most as well. Another thing Im thinking of is that you could have multiple views in the same view. So like tabs for switching between you onoff buttons and temperatures. Might not want to show them on the same view if you have many devices. So thinking of it now Temperature and Color Devices is probably up next. But I might release before that just to have more people using it.
In case you wonder what youâd use to create a 3d image:
I gave Sketch-up a go, on a tabletâs browser, and this is the result after 6 hours, without reading any manual:
Nice work. Yes the multiple columns scaling would be awesome. I guess the problem is that they made it work on Mobile as well. Then you only have one column. But that should be up to use to work out not them
I use Sweet Home 3d which is free and quite easy to learn with lots of features and 3d rendering. Make a design with all lamps off and extra layers for lamps on.
The interface of this software looks a bit outdated and all the rendering has to be done by the CPU (not GPU), but the result is worth it.
If this is not possible yet, it may be a nice idea. By default make the basic floorplan quite dark ( but room components still visible and the button in a contrasting color) and when you turn on the light, a 50% overlay shows a rendered light emitting lamp (overlay only for a specific part of the room with the lamp).
I have support for Image Switcher which is simply that you say. When a device is on or off then show this image. I think itâs shown in one of the videos above how this works.
So I have a default image for the floor plan where everything is on. Then for a room lamp I have a rule image switcher that has that room off. So I have a transparent image the full size of the house but everything is transparent except that room. So when you turn that device off that image is shown making that room go dark.
You want that with wiped cream or not? of course we canât solve everything and especially not yet. This is hard even with home assistant since first of you would need to render all different scenarios. One off one with lamp a on and b of, then with a off then b on. Then with a and b on. Then create rules for these combinations. Itâs not totally un doable but it will starting to get very complex. Another way is that you make smaller zones instead. So if you have a large room you create areas so one device has part of if an other part of it. Then it will work today even. Another example of this is colored lamp. In an awesome scenario you have renders images for all colors. That would be âeasierâ from Space Homey. Just need to create a rule where you connect colors to images but to render them all would be very intense.
I thinking having one image for the floor plan and one per device and its area will cover most cases. And creating part areas in a room will then fix most especially cases of larger rooms. This is you really want images to switch. For most people they will make one image then just have icons switch colors since rendering all versions, cutting out areas and making transparent images is quite time consuming.
To be honest @Ludvig, I think you do an awesome job, for real. Buy this is maybe a part where Homey should jump in. @DaneedeKruyff probably mentioned them because this is stuff the community is really looking after. If you could join forces that would be great.
Not what I expected from floor plan dashboards, but itâs pretty well usable at the home screen of my phone! I mean actually turning stuff on or off, or dimming.
I always thought floor plan dashboards were best to use on âbigger screensâ like tablets and such
Okay lets go for some risky business. I must warn we are still in beta phase. This means that between two version you might need to remove all your floors and start over. So donât build spaceships quite yet
Go to Settings - Space Homey (I can actually recommend doing this part on a computer
Add A floor
Go to Edit floor
Add Devices
Move them around to a nice location
Add rules for the Device. Default is a Color Rule but you can add Custom Icons, Static Colors, Image Switcher. See in the thread what they do.
Go to Homey App (on your device) and then Dashboards
Creat a new or select existing
Add the app Space Homey - Decide Your Hight for the app
Now press Done (you cant select a floor before you go in in to normal mode)
Select your floor and press save
Pray to the all mighty Athom that it works
Press for onoff, longhold for modal
Report any issues and send debug reports if you get in to issues. Important is that you tell me what device you use.
Things I know of:
Android Devices are slower than Apple devices for some reason
Dim slider do not âslideâ on android but you can press on different values to change, works perfect on android
Floor plans that hare Higher than wide might not work perfect
Positioning is not perfect. There might be a small off. Easy fix is to just look where they end up and adjust them slightly in settings so they end up perfec
Probably many more stuff but I wont tell you now, you have to find them yourself.
And of course remember to support me. AI tools and time cost money so a helping hand is always appreciated
Iâm testing now! I was wondering which is the best resolution for the image so it will fully fit the box.
EDIT: and maybe a silly idea⌠I see some nice images here from rooms, made with some kind of software. However, is it not just an idea to make pictures of your room and use that instead? I will try it!