Space Homey - New Floor Plan Widget (in the works)

Space Homey

Interactive Flor Plan Widget for Homey Dashboard

Where to get it

What is Space Homey?

Space Homey is an app that allows you to create a floor plan of your home and use it to interact with devices.


  1. Create Floor under Settings (Dashboard or Device)
  2. Add your devices and position them on the floor
  3. Create rules to style and set behaviors
  4. Go to Dashboard and add widget
  5. Select your floor
  6. Have fun

Supported device capabilities

  • On/Off
  • Dim
  • Alarm Motion
  • Alarm Contact

Known Issues

  • Not really working on Widget outside Dashboard
  • Upload images in settings on desktop is problematic (try on mobile)

Coming Soon

  • More Supported Device Capabilities
  • Support for Widget on Home Screen
  • More capabilities rules
  • Support for sizing icons



Wow, great work

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That looks very interesting :ok_hand:t4:
If you need a tester, i‘m here​:point_up:t4::wink:

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Great work!

If you need someone to test, please let us know👍🏼

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Looks good on mobile as well. Have also now added support for Dim devices that have both on off and dim. Have not design the slider. But it works.

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This looks very interesting, would also like to be a test user for you

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Looks great that :ok_hand:

When i used HA i spent a long time setting up a floor plan on that and do miss it as its pretty cool to see on your dashboard.

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Thanks for all Pep talk.
I can see that there are loads of things to still would have been great to be able to pop up the actual device screen. When pressing an icon. Then it would be so much easier. Now basically we need for each capability code all the design for what should happen. But we can start small here. Will create a simple logic for next step to be able to design what should happen with the gui when you interact with a capability. For example on off if it should change color of the icon, or/and if it should show an image or hide an image (like we want to light up the room) or maybe something else. Will play around a bit with that. Then we can do some testing for people.

I guess I need your email address to add you for testing. So please DM me if you’re interested. Will be pre pre early beta this :slight_smile:

Will of course make the source code visible when it’s running and published. Then other people can help out with capabilities etc.


Alright time for an update. Thanks to @Erikje how has done some initial testing I have done a lot of updates on it.

So what have i done:

  • Have made positioning much better between settings and actual
  • Have made a rule system for Devices.
    • Default: You cant a color switcher that has Yellow for on and White for off
    • You can select one color to always be there independent of state
    • You can add a image switcher. I have 3d rendered with lamps on and off so i can overlay them and switch
  • I have support for onOff and Dim now
  • I have listener for states to change icons and images if you have these rules from external events
  • Probably a lot of other stuff that I don’t remember :wink:

So what is left:
So many different things but we are closing in on something that me and other can use
I do not support portrait layouts for now. they screw the ratio and then positioning. I will not spend time right now try to fix that.

This is how the overlay images work if you wonder:
One with everything on

Then each room transparent with only the room dark

And here are some screen shot from how it looks on mobile right now

And some from settings

And a small video showing the image switcher and how it works


Looking good

When will it be available for all us ?


If it all works out, would be cool if there would be some way that de layout can be two widgets wide.

Really cool job man! Following your steps with pleasure :slight_smile:

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Mm i tried multiple ways of doing that but homey don’t allow for a content to go outside the widget area. Everything needs to be contained within. What I have done is that you can change the height of the widget. So you can make it wider and span from top to the bottom. I would imagine they have done this so it works smooth on all types of devices. On a mobile you only have one column for example.

But now you can make a tall widget av for example and have multiple floors stacked in on image. That could make a cool layout. It would be the same of course putting 2 widgets and have one floor plan on each.

So it will be up to your imaginations what you do with it. But you need to stick within :smiling_imp:

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Small update here. Have now fixed some more bugs.
Have now also added support för alarm_motion and alarm_contact.
You can also do the setup on your computer on settings on my homey. Makes it quite simpler doing tasks like positioning your devices and adding rules etc.


Riktigt coolt… nice work!!

Nice work man. Really looking forward to try it out.

This looks fantastic, can’t wait to test it :smiley::two_hearts:

Great work, looks fantastic.

Any requirements or limitations for the floor plan image itself? Format? Size? resolution?

Thanks on all the support guys. Really appreciate it. Im doing some rework on the code to make it easier to work on also for others to help out with. Im doing a final work on Icons so you can select your own. When I have that finished I will release test for all then try to release a first version for the public. So hopefully next week will have something for more to try.


Small update. I have reworked the code on backend now. So better readability. Have also updated the rules section so we now have:

All - Color Select: You can select a static color on icon and cloud effect
On/Off - Color Switcher: You can do the same as above but for on off state so it switches. All will override this so then have both
On/Off - Image Switcher: You can select a image and a state to show the image. On the opposite it will not be visible. You can for example have 2 of this rule on for on and on for off.
All - Color Select: This is a completely new one. Its based on where you have a lot of different icons. Now you can select whatever icon you want. Otherwise it will be the device default. An issue with device default is that we cant manipulate colors on the icon it self. but with these we can so that is good. Might in the future add more libraries. But this is a start.

I will now carry on with implement these last changes on front end. Then when that is done i will release a public test for all of you to try it out. Then we can release it later on.

Some images from admin on desktop


Nice. Can’t wait to give it a test.