Sonos URL

I want to play a favorite on my Sonos system. But i want this with the card Play URL and not with the cards Play the favorite or Play the playlist. At this moment i use url’s with the help off a server. I want to get rid off the server. Therefore i need the url of the favorites from Sonos. When I have the url of all those favorites i will be able to shuffle my favorite stations and hopefully my favorite playlists. At this moment the url from my server for my favorite radio Dance FM is http://xx.168.1.2:5005/woonkamer/favorite/Dance FM.

At this moment i use the Sonos api which works great. But is it possible to use Homeys Sonos app and use the url. Do you know how i can obtain the url i need?

The reason i want this is because i want to build a random play and radiolist with the Homey Sonos app.

With the api i have this working. But at the moment i want everything easier. My random play and radiolist depends om Homey scripts. But occasionaly Homey makes changes which has an effect on my script which results in a non-working script, unless i repair my script. As i am getting older my basic knowledge will not always be enough to get this done.