SONOFF Zigbee Human Presence Sensor | SNZB-06P

@Ricardo_Santos @Peter_Kawa I do think the Sonoff Zigbee app is actively maintained. It is just that there weren’t that many new Sonoff Zigbee devices to be added lately. Also I’m sure that the developer @johan_bendz is quite busy maintaining the Tuya Zigbee app.

I think there are 2 much simpler ways to have the SNZB-06P device supported:

  1. It could be added as a supported device in the Sonoff Zigbee app. The amount of work depends on the exact Zigbee clusters it supports. Unfortunately the code for this app is not on Github, but I’m quite sure it is a spin off of the Tuya Zigbee app. At least it is the same developer that built both apps. Further see 2.
  2. It could be added as a supported device in the Tuya Zigbee app. From the specs of your device I think that it has the same Zigbee clusters as the existing Radar Sensor that is supported in the Test version of the Tuya Zigbee app. You could first try to install that from this url: Tuya Zigbee | Homey (append /test to the url)
    It might work, but if that doesn’t work, you could request support for the device by creating a Github issue. Please read the first post of this topic carefully. You need to do some home work for that. :wink: Maybe @johan_bendz decides to also add that to the Sonoff Zigbee app.

Good luck!

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