Somfy RTS

That is not possible as Homey can’t listen on the frequency used by RTS. Homey uses the same radio for RTS and LightWaveRF but the frequencies are slightly different (RTS = 433.42 MHz, LightWave RF = 433.92). Homey can temporarily change the frequency to send RTS command but then has to put it back to be able to listen for LightWaveRF.
When you pair the blinds with the RTS app you just use the remote to put the blinds into pairing mode and then Homey sends the pairing signals to the blind so it learns Homeys ID.
As a work around I setup a separate radio on a RaspberryPi that was running Domoticz to listen for the remotes and that connects to Homey via MQTT to update the status. Not a simple solution but works for me.

(Edit - Sorry, I just realised I said zwave but that should be LightWaveRF generation 1. Updated and added exact frequencies used).