Searching for the right thermostate

Your choice of thermostat is very dependend on your own wishes and what wishes are most important to you:
1 how important is heating function to you (and the wife ;-), will you rely on bluetooth or wifi(tado) or do you want the system to work even if your wifi is down (evohome and others)
2 do you want to control the valves on the radiotors too? (Tado, evohome, danfoss) Or just the thermostat itself? (Thermosmart, toon, plugwise)
3 do you want to control seperate zones? (Evohome) Or control all radiotors based on a thermostat in one room (living) (thermosmart, plugwise, toon, tado)
4 how much are you willing to spent… (evohome is really expensive)
5 do you want homey support available?