Ring snapshot

Hi, i set up a ring doorbell in homey so that i could get a snapshot when the button Is pressed.
i set up 2 flows : One to get the snap on Press and One to send on grab and i get a notification but no image unless i run It by hand.

I tried triggering the grab by launching the flow through an Alexa routine and i get an image on button Press but it Is not a recent snapshot. Does anyone else have this issue ? Any known solutions?

Plz read this post and give some more info.

i have been searching for someone with similar problems but all i could find were issues in the flow structure and selecting the wrong image variable. as of today i dont need this flow anymore since i just recieved a notification from my ring app that this feature is now native to the ring doorbell app! thanks for the reply and i am sorry to not have included more details i was at work when i wrote the post and the connection was a bit spotty so i could not get connection to my homey hub.