Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

I have no button for enable “RING_MELDINGEN”.

I have status indicator all alarms

Avenced setting,
Use motion detection Yes
Disable motion alarm after 30 sec

exclude from zone activity No

The CLI install i do it next Tuesday this weekend it’s Easter,

I wish you happy Easter

Regards Fred Hogerheide

Hi Fred,

For that setting I meant the original Ring app on your smartphone, sorry should have been clearer about that.

Great if you can install it via CLI, there’s no extra logging to get the specific information yet, I’ll try to add it as soon as possible.

Happy easter, easy on the eggs :wink:

Fyi; I rebuild the flow to another (advanced) flow and the double triggering is fixed (for now at least :smile:).

Great, glad it’s working ok for you now. Thanks for letting me know.

New test version published

Test version: 2.10.10

  • Added flow cards to snooze and unsnooze a Chime
  • Adapted to changes in the Ring API
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Thanks to some serious testing @GregD did on his side while getting new code over and over based on his results we found the reason why it isn’t possible to change, read or receive a trigger when a location mode is changed.
It turns out using the new communication method the Ring API expects a location mode change in a different way when the location has a Ring Alarm system.
I’m currently working on a fix for this problem and will inform you when this is published.


Test version promoted to stable

Version: 2.10.10

  • Added flow cards to snooze and unsnooze a Chime
  • Adapted to changes in the Ring API

This version brings you the possibility to snooze and unsnooze your Chime from Homey. Just make a flow, select the new action card and select the duration you want to snooze the Chime

The next thing this version brings is a fix for a change Ring made in their API causing problems with getting a new refresh token (sometimes).
Unfortunately Ring offers no official support for third party apps using the API so no one is informed about changes Ring makes on forehand. Luckily the fix for this was found relatively fast and it was easy to implement.



Added doorbell, 2 cameras and a chime without problems, but when click+hold on doorbell and cameras, homey app crashes. Chime does not and seems to be working fine. Homey pro 2023

Please report this at Athom, this is beyond control of this app.

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It’s fixed

It was related to the new homey app update

They have release a fix for it yesterday

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Thank you so much, working great now :smiley:

fre. 14. apr. 2023, 09:35 skrev Mark Moorlag via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com>:

New version published

Version: 2.10.12

  • Fixed Location Mode flow cards for locations with a Ring Alarm System

The introduction of the new communication method with the Ring API not only brought improvements such as the realtime reaction on movement or ringing of the doorbell but it also introduced a problem for people who have a Ring Alarm System.
It turned out the new communication method handles Location Mode changes differently when a Ring Alarm System is present on a location resulting in no longer working of the Flow Cards that have to do with Location Modes.
With the help of @GregD who did a lot of testing, testing and some more testing, I was able to find a fix for this which is published to the App Store now.


New version published

Version: 2.10.14

  • Added additional translations

Some functionality wasn’t yet translated to all languages, now it is.


New test version published

Version 2.10.19

  • Test version for Advanced Motion

Ring Doorbells and Cameras can make a difference in recognizing the type of movement detected1, now this difference can also be used in Homey!

To use this I’ve added the tag Motion Type to the The motion alarm turned on trigger card:


For now theRing Doorbell and Cameras are capable of recognising Human2 and Package2. All other types will be labelled as Other2.

Usage example:

The use of Heimdall is just for demonstration purposes

1 To enable this functionality open the device in the official Ring app on your smartphone and go to Movement settings. Next enable Smart Alerts.
This function requires a subscription at Ring. This has been tested with a Ring Video Doorbell Pro 2. It is not guaranteed to work with all Ring Doorbell and Camera types. Please visit the Ring website to see if your device type supports Smart Alerts.

2 These descriptions are language dependant, These descriptions will be added to the tooltip before final release of this functionality.

Hi Danee. I tested this but I don’t have the tag for the motion type. In the official Ring app package is recognized (smart alerts is enabled) (RingV2)

Hi Ria,

Could you please restart the Ring app, wait a bit then send me a Diagnostics Report?


I’ve just checked the report, There’s noting out of the ordinary there, I see no reason why the tag doesn’t show. The tag should automatically be added to the flow card, including existing flows that have the card. And it should be there, regardless of the setting in the Ring Smartphone app (That’s just needed to make it functional)

To test it I just installed the test version of the app from the App Store on another Homey which was still running an older version, and the same firmware version as your Homey, and it immediately works as expected. It shows in both standard and advanced flows, no difference there.

The only thing I can think of is a difference in the language of your Homey, I run all my Homeys in English and I assume yours is in Dutch.

I’d be interested to see a screenshot from the cards overview when adding the flowcard from the web client.
Could you please go to my.homey.app, create a new flow, select Add Card in the When… column. Next select the Ring App in the left column and your Ring Doorbell in the middle column. No please make a screenshot like the one below.

I hope this helps.

Hi Ria,
I see the tag in both the first and second screenshot (and obviously not in the third) so I don’t understand the problem.

Your second screenshot:

When in the advanced flow (from screenshot 2) add the logic card Text contains Text and connect the two cards. Next click on the left Text placeholder in the logic card, the available tags should appear: