Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

New test version published

New test version: 2.10.2

  • Devices will be set unavailable when authentication at Ring is lost
  • Small improvement to authentication process

You can find it here: Ring App (test version)

Sometimes the authentication at Ring is lost, mostly due to their servers being unavailable. The Ring app is capable of re-authenticating by itself but sometimes that doesn’t succeed unfortunately.
To make this better visible for you the app now sets the Ring devices to unavailable when this happens. You will recognise this by the red triangle with an exclamation mark in the app.

(Thanks @Jamie for the tip)

I’ve also added a small improvement to the authentication process; the routine that would try the re-authentication was always started when authentication was lost when the app was already running, but it wasn’t started when the app wasn’t able to authenticatie at apps start while it had had an authenticated state before the apps restart. Now it will also be started in these situations.