RF 433 MHz receive range disappointing

This should help (but a bit sad that it’s needed):

Update: Bought the thing. It’s capable of resending the signals of up to 6 KAKU senders (switches, sensors etc.), but it does this rather slow. About a second or two after a switch is pressed the signal is repeated. This makes that something like this:
turns the lamp on (by the switch itself (if the signal reaches Homey)), but a second later the lamp is turned off again (by the repeater).

Maybe in the far future Athom will provide a nice solution:

Hi, just checking but has there been any solution regarding receiving better signal. I bought the 2023 version als sold my 2019. Was this a mistake?

I contacted Athom with the same issue and they told me that it could be adapter related. :man_facepalming:

Homey and his adapters, not a great marriage.

You can try an other adapter to see if it works.
My issue was kind of solved with buying a second hand Homey bridge ro set as satellite for several kaku devices.

Same here… I bought the Homey Pro to replace my 12 yrs old Homewizard (modified with extra antenna). Lot of Kaku devices… Range is much worse… 20 mtrs (open space) is not working. Really disappointing.

I recently bought the Homey pro to replace another system (Telldus). Shocked to see that not a single one of my 433MHz sensors show up :frowning_face:
It won’t pickup my 433 MHz devices at all as a matter of fact.
I definitely feel betrayed by the marketing of this extremely expensive device that claims multi-standars compatibility!

Shame on you Homey!

What devices do you have and which app(s) did you try?

Try Trust Smart Home
I tried everything and some of the 433 stuff works with this application. :+1:t2:
Try and try again :blush:

Try this app. Wireless Weather Sensors App för Homey | Homey

It will take a while but eventually the sensors will show up.
Try every possible protocol in Wireless Weather Sensors.
My sensors goes offline time to time it’s 433.